7 traits that make you a ‘difficult’ person

difficult person
difficult person

There are seven traits that apparently make a person difficult to be around.

And researchers say a free quiz can work out how difficult you are to get along with in just 35 questions.

Dr. Chelsea Sleep and researchers at the University of Georgia investigated the structure of antagonism.

There are seven traits that help determine if you’re a difficult person, according to the research.

The first characteristic is callousness. The more callous a person is, it means they’re likely to find it harder to understand feelings.

Those who answer the quiz questions and rank high among grandiosity and domination believe they have a sense of entitlement.

Americans that are suspicious and aggressive will find it harder to trust others.

Participants that rank highly for manipulativeness will find it tough to give little and will snub people who are not considered useful.

Couple fighting
The first characteristic is callousness.

Risk-takers can put themselves in danger for the thrill but it can also be a difficult trait when it puts others into trouble.

Those who are difficult will score highly in each trait.

The test states that it should be used for education purposes only, warning mental health evaluations can only be determined by medical experts.

Woman screaming
Grandiosity, domination, risk taking, manipulativeness, suspiciousness, and aggression are all other signs of being a difficult person.

Sleep’s research was published in the article Uncovering the structure of antagonism: Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.

Meanwhile, an optical illusion depicting a cat could reveal more about a person’s true personality.

The illusion asks onlookers to look at the direction that the animal is traveling and claims it says something important about you.

The greyscale image shared by The Minds Journal depicts a cat on a flight of stairs.

Whichever way you see the cat walking exposes your approach to life, it claims.

Men fighting
People who score highly in those seven traits will find it difficult to have relationships with people.
Sefa Kart

Both viewpoints are said to have definitive meanings.

If you think the cat is walking up the stairs, then the chances are you have an optimistic view of life.

The journal says: “Your mind has been trained to look at ways of rising higher in life, so given a situation where you have the choice of rising higher than others or falling to their levels, you would inevitably be the better person.

Men fighting
The researchers say that the quiz is for education only and only a mental health professional can properly diagnose someone.

“There are clear signs of ambition in you and no one, except yourself, can stop you from going higher in life.”

But, if you think the feline is walking down the stairs, then it’s claimed your outlook is more skeptical.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission. 

Credit: Source link


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