Johnny Depp giggles when bodyguard is questioned about his penis

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depp penis comp

Johnny Depp and his bodyguard are close — but apparently not that close.

As the trial against Depp’s ex-wife Amber Heard rolled on Friday, proceedings took an amusing turn when Malcolm Connolly, the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star’s security agent, was asked if he’d ever seen his employer’s penis.

“I think I would remember if I’d seen Mr. Depp’s penis,” Connelly said — prompting an eruption of giggles from Depp and others in the Fairfax, Virginia, courtroom.

Connelly’s quip came in response to Heard’s lawyer, who asked if the confidante could describe his anatomy — per previous testimony that the actor had been caught urinating in the foyer of the embattled ex-lovers’ home.

The uncomfortable question refers to the couple’s well-reported trip to Australia in 2015 that also saw Depp’s finger severed in a heated argument, according to prior testimony, which Connelly, a former prison guard, described as “chaos.”

The Fairfax, Virginia courtroom erupted in giggles at the unusual question directed — but not Amber Heard.

Connelly, who addressed the court via Zoom, also characterized the pair as once “lovey-dovey,” and called Heard “lovely, charming.”

However, that began to change, according to Connelly, about the time of their move Down Under, attesting that he witnessed Heard throwing a cigarette lighter and a soda can at Depp during one nasty exchange.

Depp, 58, is suing Heard, 36, with a $50 million defamation claim over an op-ed she penned about domestic violence for the Washington Post, which many believe was inspired by their tumultuous relationship.

Johnny Depp with bodyguard Malcolm Connolly
Johnny Depp with bodyguard Malcolm Connolly outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, England on July 15, 2020 — during Depp’s trial against The Sun newspaper.

Depp maintains that Heard lied about the alleged abuse, and is waging a campaign to correct his image — which first began when he sued The Sun newspaper in the UK for libel in 2020. Connelly also then appeared in court to testify about the same 2015 incidents — admitting that he’d initially lied to the public about the details of Depp’s finger injury in order to protect Heard.

During that same trial, Heard testified to the Royal Courts of Justice in London that Depp “was trying to write my name peeing on the walls and carpet walking through the house.”

She described their Australian stint as “the worst thing I have ever been through.”

On Friday, Connelly recalled Depp with scratches on his face, and swelling under his face after their honeymoon. “He’s walked into a door, or a door’s walked into him,” he remarked.

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