Should I get rid of the office ‘Debbie Downer’?


Someone on my staff is a really good performer but always seems unhappy and I feel like she brings the energy down for the whole team. Do I just let it go, or do I say something to her?

How someone contributes to and affects the morale of the team — and the perception of the company — is just as important as how well they perform on the job. But is this person just wired as a Debbie Downer, or is this a change in demeanor from what they have previously exhibited? Sometimes, people are simply unaware of how they are coming across and a little pep talk and boost is all it might take to change her demeanor. You might discover that something is causing the behavior, such as a recent life event. Or, they might simply be a sour puss. If the demeanor doesn’t improve, it’s a judgment call at the end of the day. We are all evaluated on the same basis. So is the company better off with the person in the role or not? That’s a decision for you to make.

I just learned that my colleague who has the same job as me is making more than I am. How do I approach my boss about this?

Very carefully. There is no rule or law that says two people in the same job have to be paid the same. There are many legitimate reasons why two people in the same job could be earning different salaries, such as experience, performance, tenure and what it took to lure the person away from a previous job. You also can’t be certain what your colleague is earning, unless you have documented proof, and your boss is unlikely to want to discuss what someone else is earning. So, if you have this conversation with your boss, it should be based on what you think you are worth both internally within the company and in the marketplace, and why. Assuming that you feel that your boss thinks you are doing a great job.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Weds. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. E-mail: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande

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