I’m 23 with a full set of dentures because drugs made my teeth fall out

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A woman has been left wearing a full set of dentures at just 23 after an addiction to prescription pills made her teeth turn black and fall out.

Caymi Studnicka broke her ankle at the age of nine, to help with the pain she was prescribed pain relief pills that contained opioids called Vicodin to deal with the pain.

At 18, she went to rehab and overcame the addiction but sadly, it was too late for her teeth as they were rotting and falling out.

She said: “In 2018, I was terrified as a tooth from the front fell out.

“Within a year, my teeth rapidly decayed and began to break off.”

The content creator, who lives in Chicago, was left with no choice but to have all of her teeth removed and have dentures, as the effects meant she was unable to eat.

“I had black decaying dots all over my teeth which caused me severe anxiety.” she added.

Caymi was told by her dentist that the issues were caused by the prescription drugs she had become addicted too.

She spent nine years hooked on painkillers following one bone break after another during an opioid crisis in America.

She said: “Unfortunately, I was left to my own devices as a child and allowed to manage my own pain.

“I have fragile bones so after the first break at nine-years-old, there was many more meaning I continued to get the tablets.

“At 15, I realized I was addicted as I couldn’t go a day without taking them every three to four hours.

“Otherwise, I would experience withdrawal pains.”

At the age of 18, Caymi spent three months in rehab to get clean.

The following year, problems began with her teeth that often left her unable to eat.

She said: “For 18 months, I tried to get on with my life despite my teeth breaking and black holes forming.

“It seemed like there was nothing to do to stop it from happening and I couldn’t afford to see a dentist.

“I looked so malnourished as I couldn’t eat as even bread would cause a breakage.

“I lost a lot of weight and didn’t look or feel good at all.

“I started getting reoccurring abscesses and once it turned into something more sinister.

“Tooth loss is so stigmatized but I am trying to bring awareness of the other realties of tooth loss like pregnancy and addictions.”

Caymi Studnicka

“The oral infection had turned septic and I spent one month in hospital as they pumped antibiotics into my body.”

During her time in hospital, Caymi’s boyfriend Alexander Drake, 22, decided to set up a Go Fund Me to help with the dental costs.

The only way Caymi’s life would be improved was through extraction surgery followed by dentures.

But Caymi became concerned at the thought of having to take pain killers again after the surgery.

She explained: “I was excited and nervous for the surgery as I didn’t want to take more than necessary pain medication but thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as I thought at all.

The content creator had extraction surgery to remove her remaining teeth and then replaced them with dentures.

“My teeth have caused me so much pain and anxiety, I was ready to have them out of my mouth.

“I was relieved more than anything to have dentures.”

Incredibly, within a year kind strangers donated $25,000 dollars to cover the cost.

She said: “I really didn’t want to ask anyone for help but Alexander made a fundraiser in October 2020 as my insurance refused to cover the cost.

“They saw the removal of all my teeth as cosmetic rather than medically needed.

“I am a recovering addict so I was scared incase people shamed me but addiction is a brain disease, especially when you’re so young.

“My brain didn’t know any better.”

Caymi had her three remaining teeth removed and immediate had dentures fitted.

“I can’t believe strangers wanted to help me.

“At this point, my teeth were severely damaged and impacted into my gums or barely there.”

Caymi Studnicka

Caymi hopes to break the stigma attached to young people and false teeth.

She said: “I have to deal with negative comments on a daily basis.

“They used to bother me but there’s a block button for a reason.

“Tooth loss is so stigmatized but I am trying to bring awareness of the other realties of tooth loss like pregnancy and addictions.

“I am finally happy for the first time in years as I am no longer living my life addicted to tablets nor in pain.”

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission.

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