Even Democrats Blame Joe Biden for Crippling Inflation Rate

historic US inflation rates 2011 to 2022
historic US inflation rates 2011 to 2022

The inflation rate was trending down below 2% when President Trump left office.

Since that day, Democrats have spent like drunken Socialists on the road to wiping out the US Middle Class.

It had to be on purpose.

And despite the best efforts from the fake news mainstream media, Americans blame Joe Biden for the wreckage.

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Even a majority of Democrats blame Joe Biden for the record inflation.

Issues and Insights reported:

May’s 8.6% annualized inflation rate, the highest in 40 years, shocked financial markets and alarmed consumers and workers alike. As we’ve been reminded over the years, inflation acts as a tax on everyone, lowering standards of living, raising costs across the board, and eroding the very foundations of a productive economy. And once entrenched, it’s very difficult to get rid of.

How did this happen? And does President Biden deserve the blame? June’s monthly online I&I/TIPP Poll sought to answer those questions, asking 1,310 adults across the country the following question: “In general, how responsible are President Biden’s policies for causing the current inflation?”

The answers to the poll, which was taken from June 8-10 and has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points, couldn’t be less comforting for Biden and the Democratic Party.

Of those responding, 64% said Biden was “responsible,” choosing either “very responsible” (38%) or “somewhat responsible” (26%). Just 25% answered “not responsible”, with 17% saying “not very responsible” but a far-smaller 8% saying “not at all responsible.” “Not sure” was 10%.

It takes a special kind of talent to create these inflation numbers.

Via Creative Commons

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