Thank You President Trump for Your Strength and Courage that Led to Overturning Row v. Wade Today

trump right to life
trump right to life

Today’s ruling on Roe v. Wade was a win for the innocent and unborn.  This victory could never have come about without the Presidency of Donald Trump. 

Before the 2016 Election there were many reasons to vote for candidate Trump for President.   TGP knew that the Supreme Court was one of the top reasons to vote for President Trump.

30 Reasons in 30 Days to Vote for Donald Trump – #3 The Supreme Court

This proved right as President Trump ended up replacing three Supreme Court justices during his term in office.


The far-left freaked as they did all they could to prevent Trump’s picks from making it into the court.  Former Obama AG threatened to somehow institute term limits on the court.

Eric Holder Calls for Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices, Claims Life Terms Set by Constitution Can Be Changed by Statute

President Trump’s second pick, Justice Kavanaugh went through hell after being nominated.  But he didn’t deserve it.  No one did.  The Democrats were willing to sacrifice a good man to prevent constitutional decisions from being made by the Supreme Court.

After a month of false accusations and lies about then-Judge Kavanaugh, Justice Kavanaugh’s daughter told him to pray for his accusers.

10-Year-Old Saves Republic: Judge Kavanaugh’s Young Daughter Encourages Father to Pray for His Accuser Ford

The Democrats then threatened Trump’s picks for the Supreme Court.  This was war to the insane, unconstitutional, and anti-American left and they weren’t giving up.

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, “You Will Pay the Price! You Won’t Know What Hit You!” (Video)”

After all this, today the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a ruling made by the Supreme Court that legalized abortions across the country.  The Justices stood strong no doubt, but the man that brought this ruling today that protects the rights of the unborn, the innocent babies unable to protect themselves, is President Donald Trump.

Thank you President Trump for standing strong.  Your strength and efforts will save millions of lives in the future. 

Credit: Source link


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