NYC Nurse ‘Humbled’ To Receive Presidential Medal Of Freedom For Getting First COVID Vaccine

nurse lindsay
nurse lindsay

The New York City nurse who received the first FDA-approved experimental mRNA COVID injection is slated to receive the Presidential Medial of Freedom from Joe Biden this week, the White House announced.

Following emergency use authorization of the Pfizer vaccine, Queens-based critical care nurse Sandra Lindsay, became the first person to be fully “vaccinated.” She received the first dose of Pfizer’s BioNTech on Dec. 14 2020 and a second dose on Jan. 4, 2021.

Lindsay will receive the nation’s highest civilian honor along with actor Denzel Washington, Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, the late GOP Sen. John McCain and Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple at a White House ceremony on July 7.

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The nurse issued a statement heralding the award as an honor for all minorities and “women of color.”

“I am humbled an honored to be among the 17 extraordinary recipients of The Presidential Medal of Freedom! This recognition is significant for me and my loved ones,” she wrote on her LinkedIn page Friday. “It is also a huge recognition for my Northwell Health family, nurses and healthcare workers around the world, women, women of color, Jamaicans, minorities and immigrants to name a few! Read more about the remarkable contributions of the recipients to this great nation!”

Last year, Biden presented Lindsay the “Outstanding American by Choice” award from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services for “becoming a shining example of exemplary civic service” being a guinea pig for the experimental injection.

Jamaican immigrant Sandra Lindsay is presented with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' Outstanding Citizen By Choice award by U.S. President Joe Biden.

As the federal government continuously strives to get more of the population COVID vaccinated, data from the Center For Disease and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System showcases the lethality of mRNA technology.

At least 1,000 COVID vaccinated Americans are dying a month, according to the CDC.

To date, 2,191,497 Americans have experienced adverse side effects after receiving COVID injections, while 8094 people died in 2022 after getting the experimental shot, VAER’s COVID Vaccine Mortality Report shows.

In April, US Health and Human Services Director Xavier Becerra admitted the mRNA jabs are killing people with dark skin at a higher rate than those with light skin.”

“By the way, we know that vaccines are killing people of color — blacks, Latinos, indigenous people — at about two times the rate of white Americans,” Becerra explained during a digital “White House Convening on Equity.”

HHS Secretary Becerra Claims COVID Vaccines ‘Kill People Of Color’ At ‘Twice The Rate Of Whites,’ Vows To ‘Work’ Harder To Get More People Vaccinated

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