Biden Is Handing Out Crack Pipes Across From A NYC Preschool Filled With 3 And 4 Year Old Children

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The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Joe Biden’s free crack pipe program.

The regime denied this was happening despite proof to the contrary.

It Turns Out the Biden Regime’s “Safe Smoking Kits” Include Free Crack Pipes – Psaki Still Claims It’s a “Conspiracy Theory” (VIDEO)

Now a new report by the Daily Caller found that Biden-funded crack pipes are being handed out at a clinic in New York City right across the street from a preschool.

The New York Harm Reduction Educators clinic (NYHRE) is located at Park and 126th in East Harlem. The clinic was awarded $400,000 in grants from the Biden administration to provide services to drug addicts in the area, including a safe injection site, and clean equipment.

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A reporter from the Daily Caller went to NYHRE, at which point they received “a crack pipe, condoms, and lubricant” after filling out a bit of paperwork. The process was repeated by a second reporter from the news outlet.

Crack pipe, condom and lubricant given to reporters at the NYC clinic

When they entered the back room, the reporters witnessed “individuals smoking and injecting various substances.”

Their request to use outdoors was denied, with staff citing that the clinic was located right across the street from the Echo Park Children and Family Center.

According to InsideSchools, the center “provides preschool for 3 and 4 year old” children in the city.

NYHRE was permitted drug use on its premises by former NYC mayor Bill de Blasio in December 2021. 

According to the New York Post, local parents have expressed outrage.

“Whatever you are going to do, you don’t put this kind of a center directly across the street from a preschool,” said one parent. “That makes no sense.”

“It may be helping them not to overdose but when they come out high, we have to deal with them, and it’s not something I want to subject my 3-year-old to,” another added.

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In February, the Biden administration denied it was giving grants to fund the distribution of crack pipes, following a Washington Free Beacon report that exposed the practice.

“No federal funding will be used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put pipes in safe smoking kits,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement.

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki condemned the Free Beacon’s “inaccurate reporting” in February and again denied that the administration was distributing crack pipes. 

Fact-checking services flagged the Free Beacon article as partially misleading, relying primarily on flat denials from Biden officials.

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