Directors Guild of America Pension & Health Plans Expand Abortion Benefits

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Since the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and returning the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives, abortion devotees are furious.  None are more unhinged that the radical leftists in Hollywood.

The Directors Guild of America (DGA) Pension and Health Plans has recently voted to expand access to abortion services for both their participants and dependents, including children.

Deadline reported:

The Plans’ trustees voted unanimously to add the following two additional benefits:
• Expanded coverage of abortion services to dependent children of Health Plan participants
• Added coverage of abortion-related travel costs for covered Health Plan participants living or working in covered employment in locations where abortion services are no longer permitted.

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The trustees also reconfirmed existing coverage of both elective and medically necessary abortions and coverage of the drugs necessary to induce abortion.

“The actions taken today by the Plans Trustees demonstrate strong and decisive leadership to ensure that our members and their dependents will continue to be able to have access to safe abortion services regardless of where they live and work,” said DGA president Lesli Linka Glatter. “I am proud that in a time when our human rights are being challenged and so much in our nation is unclear regarding abortion rights after the devastating decision by the Supreme Court, that the DGA Plans offer clear and comprehensive abortion coverage for our members.”

Linka Glatter had spoken out in early May when the Supreme Court’s draft opinion on overturning Roe was leaked, saying, “I am appalled that the Supreme Court stands ready to disregard 50 years of precedent and eliminate a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body.”

Hollywood’s numerous sex scandals and #metoo moments, glorification of a serial abuser and their unwillingness to openly address their climate of abuse ,makes this seem like is little more than political theater.

Credit: Source link


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