My boss won’t call out a creepy sales rep — what can I do?

atwork gotogreg
atwork gotogreg

I work as a cashier in a supermarket and one of the sales reps for a big bread distributor comes into the store twice a week. Each time he does, he flirts with me and makes me feel very uncomfortable. I’ve told my manager and he says that there’s nothing he can do since the sales rep isn’t an employee of the store, and to just ignore him. I don’t want to confront this person directly. Any advice?

I worked in a supermarket for many years during my teens and I knew then that it would make a great setting for a reality show. Unfortunately, your experience is an all-too-familiar reality. Also, your boss is wrong. An employer has the responsibility to protect their employees from anyone who creates a hostile or uncomfortable work environment for their employees, whether it’s from other employees, vendors or customers. If you don’t want to tell this sales person that his interactions with you are inappropriate, then your boss must, unless he wants to expose the store to liability from you. If your boss won’t do it, go to his manager, or you can register a complaint with the salesperson’s company.

My manager says that I have to make a case for why I should be promoted. We have had conversations all along about my career goals and I have met every expectation, so why am I supposed to be the one doing all the justification? Isn’t that his job?

Actually, I think it is both of your jobs. You are the CEO of You, Inc. You need to take charge of your career and make it known to your boss what you want — and figure out what you need to do to achieve it. You and your boss should come up with a plan for your career development, and then you should keep a list of your accomplishments, training, accolades and so on. Then use that plan to support the ongoing conversations that you should be having with your boss about your career development. Your manager is supposed to give you feedback and let you know how you’re doing, and if your boss isn’t doing that, you need to take the initiative. And if your boss won’t help you at all, then you need to find a new boss.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Wednesdays at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR. E-mail: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande

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