Kanye Ends Contract With GAP Over Use Of Chinese Labor


Kanye West announced that he was terminating his contract with Gap over their use of Chinese labor.

He said he is buying factories in California “to o do localized manufacturing.”

Big League Politics reported:

Pro-MAGA rapper Kanye West has terminated his contract with the Gap over their use of Chinese labor, indicating that he wants to bring jobs back to America.

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West has an America First outlook in business that few moguls have in this day and age. He wants to employ people in California and is buying factories to make it happen.

“They have a lot of commitments to China. We wanted to do localized manufacturing which is completely possible with some of the factories I’m buying here in California. We can actually bring industry back to America,” he said.

Kanye West spoke out about terminating his deal with Gap — saying “we can actually bring industry back to America.”

“This is the day to not be just valued on my cash flow, to be valued on that equity that we bring. You know, we’ve seen the influence that we’ve had on two fortune five hundred companies also there is a lot of stuff where they have commitments to China and you know we wanted to localize manufacturing which is completely possible with some of the factories that I’m buying here in California.

We can actually bring industry back to America. I feel that in a lot of ways Europe has been the head of prestige with the luxury brands and luxury vehicles and China has been the head of manufacturing.

America — we invented Rock and Roll. We are the most inventive, we are the youngest start-up ever. America itself.

We invented Apple, We invented Ford and now we have Yeeezy. “

Is Kanye the most “America First” man in entertainment?

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