‘Drafting season’ is the hot new dating trend — what it means

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After enjoying a “slutty summer” complete with sex parties and threesomes, many singles are making proactive plans to find a more serious partner to settle down with.

“Drafting season” is this fall’s hottest dating trend — with uncoupled youngsters crafting a roster of potential paramours to date over the autumn months before they’ll finally choose a winner to commit to when winter arrives. Think of it like sports drafting, but only one person comes out victorious before winter’s “cuffing season.”

“Drafting in all your best possible options as the weather begins to turn is just common sense if you’re planning on coupling up for Christmas,” sex expert Kelly Gordon told Metro.

“This period of “tryouts’ separates would-be relationship material from ghosts, breadcrumbers and love bombers,” she added, describing the dating trend as an “exercise in self-awareness and self-preservation.”

“Drafting season” is where singletons play the field on fun dates with the aim of weeding out dud matches to eventually find the perfect partner.
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During drafting season, dates should be kept "fun" and "non-serious" until you figure out which partner you like best.
During drafting season, dates should be kept “fun” and “non-serious” until you figure out which partner you like best.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

It’s well known that many single people hunker down with a mate for the winter months, with that trend known as “cuffing season.”

However, Gordon says some people are so desperate when winter hits that they end up settling for whoever is available — and it’s often a mismatch.

Drafting season, however, allows a singleton to take their time, trying out potential partners over a period of months before making a final pick — just as sports teams experiment with potential players during their own drafts.

“By taking stock of your relationships and making good choices about who you’ll choose to spend your time with… you’re making choices about your health and happiness in the coming months,” Gordon declared.

Many singletons are looking to date multiple people this autumn, with the aim of eventually finding the perfect fit.
Many singletons are looking to date multiple people this autumn, with the aim of eventually finding the perfect fit.
Getty Images

For those looking to try out drafting season over the autumn, the sex expert has some hot tips.

She advises that dating should be kept “fun” and “non-serious” until you figure out which partner you like best.

Gordon also urges singletons to take their time and “don’t rush to make something exclusive” — remember you have the whole season to try things out.

And, given that drafting season is meant to be a time of experimentation, the expert also says singles should be open to dating people who aren’t their usual “type.”

At the end of drafting season, Kelly says “making the right choice” about who to pick for the winter is “essential” — and it could possibly lead to love that lasts a lifetime.

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