Prince Harry said ‘nasty things’ about Camille: royal biographer

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harry camilla book 02

God save the queen consort.

Although she’s often seen as a royal nest-wrecker, some experts believe that the current queen consort doesn’t get a fair shake. Divisive royal biographer Angela Levin claims that Camilla Rosemary Shand was treated unfairly by both Prince Harry and the Netflix series “The Crown.”

The royal scribe dropped the alleged bombshell on the UK morning show “Lorraine” following the release of her biography “Camilla, From Outcast to Queen Consort,” the Daily Mail reported.

Levin said that she penned the book to clear the air regarding King Charles III’s paramour, who she thought had been unfairly maligned in the past.

“I decided I had to rebalance things,” explained Levin. “One was ‘The Crown’ which was really cruel to her and the other was Prince Harry who had said some really nasty things about her too.”

The biographer didn’t specify what Prince Harry’s specific statements were. However, the former Duke of Sussex is supposedly “no fan” of Camilla, who had a long-running affair with his father King Charlies III while he was still married to Harry and William’s mother Princess Diana. Since then, Camilla, who married the now-monarch in 2005, has been portrayed in a poor light by the public and blamed for Diana and King Charles’ splitting up.

The queen consort was notably portrayed in a manner critics deemed unsympathetic in Season 4 of “The Crown,” which explores the love triangle between Camilla, then- Prince Charles and Princess Diana — although Camilla was reportedly okay with the depiction.

“I decided I had to rebalance things,” explained Levin. “One was ‘The Crown’ which was really cruel to her and the other was Prince Harry who had said some really nasty things about her too.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Levin — who spent three months with Camilla to write a long piece in 2015 — mentioned that the queen consort had invited her to meet the queen in a bid to demonstrate that “despite rumors the pair had a close bond.”

During the visit, the then-Duchess had said she had a “surprise for her,” Levin said.

“I got the call to meet the Duchess and of course, I dropped everything,” said the documenter, who then went to Buckingham Palace where “Camilla was there with the Queen.”

“They took me to the stables where an 80-year-old horse expert was,” she continued. “He was supposedly meant to have the ability to make a horse that has never been ridden before ridable after 20 minutes without a saddle or anything, which I thought was not on but there you go.”

Twitter users are bashing the royal family for treating Harry like a "second class citizen" in the wake of the Queen's death.
The family united for the Queen’s funeral.

“The idea of it, they were talking non-stop and laughing,” recalled Levin, adding that the encounter totally shattered preconceptions of Camille’s relationship with the queen.

“I thought after this was so clever and such a kind thing to do,” she said. “She didn’t have to say anything inappropriate as there were rumors they didn’t get on. Without saying a word Camilla showed me that her and the Queen shared a close bond — which was obvious through their shared love of horses.”

Levin also lauded the queen consort for her behind-the-scenes charity work, explaining that this makes her “ideal for Charles,” explaining: “Camilla doesn’t light to be in the spotlight, she’s right in the middle which is ideal for Charles because he won’t get jealous like with his first wife, but who does a tremendous amount of work behind the curtain – she doesn’t need praise for herself.”

“The more you get to know her,” she gushed, “the more you like her.”

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