WOW! RINO Dan Crenshaw Slams House Freedom Caucus as “Grifters”

crenshaw loser rino
crenshaw loser rino

RINO Dan Crenshaw blasted the one legitimate grassroots conservative group in Congress on Tuesday.

The Texas RINO called the wildly popular House Freedom Caucus, “We have grifters in our midst.”
Crenshaw then defended dirtbag Adam Kinzinger.
What a dummy.

Crenshaw made the comments at a Texas Liberty Alliance event over the weekend.

The National Review reported:

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Representative Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas) slammed members of the House’s conservative Freedom Caucus during a recent campaign event, accusing them of being “grifters” and “performance artists.”

At an event hosted by the Texas Liberty Alliance PAC in Houston over the weekend, Crenshaw said the conservative movement has “grifters in our midst, not here, not in this room. I mean the conservative movement.”

“Lie after lie after lie, because they know something psychologically about the conservative heart — we’re worried about what people are going to do to us, what they’re going to infringe upon us, that’s the nature of conservatism,” Crenshaw can be heard saying in video posted to Twitter by lawyer Ron Filipkowski.

Of course, the toxic bunch at The Lincoln Project agree with Crenshaw.

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