Maricopa County Board Of Supervisors Swear In “Anti-Election Integrity” Member Thomas Galvin To Fill Steve Chucri’s Vacancy

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The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors appointed a new member to replace the disgraced Steve Chucri who resigned after TGP made his fight with his colleagues public.

I am persona non grata right now with my colleagues. I was passed over; I was supposed to be vice-chairman. They chose Mr. Gates because of my opposition to this.”, said Steve Chucri in reference to his favoring an audit of Maricopa County.

EXCLUSIVE: Former Maricopa County Recorder Steve Chucri Full January Phone Call With We The People AZ Alliance: “I Think It Was DONE Through Dead People Voting; I Think It Was Multifaceted” (AUDIO)

Chucri wanted a real audit but his colleagues were “scared”.

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As a result, he was left powerless and he resigned his chair on November 5th. He refused to come clean, likely because he plans to run for Governor one day and he doesn’t want to lose any allies.

Today, Thomas Galvin, an anti-Trump, anti-election integrity RINO, who is unelected by the people was sworn into Chucri’s former seat.

Here is an earlier tweet by Galvin.

Thomas Galvin clearly thinks we have no right to be upset about a stolen election and he sympathizes with our weak “leaders”.

Leftist Hack Jen Fifield welcomes Galvin to help cover up the 2020 Election atrocity.

Maricopa County patriots know that this is bad, real bad for elections.

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward agrees that Galvin is a RINO and that the Arizona Senate needs to dissolve the Board of Supervisors, which controls roughly 60% of the state.

Maricopa County officials only care about protecting themselves.

Evidence of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots, missing signature verification on mail-in ballots, and elections law violations have been presented to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

It has been 75 days and he has done nothing about these criminal violations.

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich immediately to demand results.

Contact AG Mark Brnovich

Credit: Source link


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