Democrats are Aboard the Big Data Titanic

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vote image tgp gp

We don’t run one copy of the state voter registration roll.  We run 7, or 15, or 55 or in one state, 66. Running multiple copies of rolls allows our users to see subtle, critical changes in the data not visible to current technology.

That inactive voter, probably dead, moved to active, voted, then went back into that comfortable grave — as inactive.  Current technology sees the person as inactive — before they vote and afterward.

Fractal identifies the data movement, flags it, that vote is challenged before it impacts an election.

This compute problem takes 15 million voters from one state, with 20 copies of the voter rolls, (20 x 15 million) compares every field, finding the differences as slight as a missing comma, categorizes results into easy-to-grasp columns, returning the results to the user in less than 10 seconds, on their phone.  For free.

We do this now for multiple states. We house almost 1.6 billion voter records — because stuff changes and Fractal catches it.  The Big Data Titanic types, using conventional tech, would take months to do this, need a data center requiring the power of a small town, costing millions of dollars.

We deliver it on $4,000 computers, using less power than an electric drill.  Our engineers demonstrate running the entire state on an iPhone, but that was just showing off.

Fractals are the opposite of scale. In the Fractal world, everything is tiny, just lots of it — in parallel.  On the Big Data Titanic, everything is big, costly, clumsy, slow — blind to the iceberg.

One team in Wisconsin challenged almost 400,000 alleged phantoms.  A Georgia team, in one county, 37,000.

They deserve the glory, the kudos for their fine work.  Fractal gave them computing power beyond what any state or government agency can bring to bear.

It gets better.

Voter rolls are incredibly “dirty.”  That means lots of bad name and address data.  To solve that issue, Fractal ingests the county property tax records and compares them with the voter roll. Want to know how many voters live in a house with one bathroom?  How about how many live in a convenience store?

Fractal is in the process of ingesting all 3,200 county tax rolls, with “snapshots” compared with voter rolls.  This is computationally almost impossible, costing tens of millions of dollars with conventional Titanic tech.

Here’s a social media problem.

A woman is 29, unmarried and in a relation with an alcholic.  She has a developmentally disadvantaged son, nine years old.  She is desperately lonely.

She can go to a dating site to find a mate.  She can go to an alcohol site to get help with the loser guy.  She can go to a site for child development and maybe get advice. Or, with Fractal, she can go to one of our websites, not yet public, enter her story, in text.

There is a “Just Like Me” button, enabling her to profile herself, against scores of variables, in text, using different naming conventions (alcoholic, drunk, bum boyfriend), across millions of strangers instantly, on a phone. She can connect with someone just like her, weighing the variables in levels of importance.

This is called active data profiling and it can disrupt the ground game in the political world.

Malcolm is 48, lives in Michigan, married, four children, voted in the last four federal elections.  Malcolm gives money to animal rescue, donated to Bernie Sanders and the local Democrat mayor.  Malcolm is a union guy.  He attended a Trump rally in 2016. Malcolm has a cable TV bill and a cell phone.  Malcolm doesn’t do social media.

If you are the Republican or Democrat get-out-the-vote person, do you call Malcolm?

Here is where the Big Data Titanic and the Fractal PT boat diverge. The Democrat Big Data Titanic, all the big data guys, think history matters.  It did, but it doesn’t matter much now.

What is Malcolm feeling this morning?

Sure, you can poll him, you can survey him, but remember in Big Data Land there are maybe 40 million Malcolms — each slightly different. You can poll Malcolm Monday but his opinion may change Wednesday morning. You need the “Just Like Malcolm” button to profile Malcolm, Wednesday, the morning after the gubernatorial debate. Then go find every Malcolm profile in the precinct, district, or state.

The Big Data Titanic will tell you all about Malcolms, millions of them — in a month or two.  They will sell you Malcolm’s profile from last month. Fractal picks up the slightest change, across 50, 100, 500 attributes, instantly, telling you if you want to call Malcolm or let him sleep in — this morning.

The difference is speed, agility, cross searching hundreds of databases with literally tens of trillions of records, on computers you can hold in your lap, for that one little clue telling you what Malcolm may feel right now!

Don’t panic that your Democrat pals are buying the cell-phone data telling them who stayed home for COVID.  Who cares?  Anyone can do that.

Fractals tell you what Malcolms are thinking this morning, the day after they saw Tudor Dixon for the first time.

Scale is dead.  The future is not Big Data.

The future is gargantuan data, constantly feeding thousands of parallel Fractals, running at silicon speed, on tiny, cheap computers, giving you the current heartbeat of the voter, the precinct, the district, or the state.

Computing disruption shifted the power from historical data to tiny, current clues that may tell the whole story.

The Titanic crew knew about the icebergs, their crew just didn’t have real time visibility until it was too late to change course. And that, my friends, is what the Democrats are investing in.  Sleep well.

Jay Valentine can be reached at [email protected].  His website is and, a FractalWeb.App microsite.

Credit: Source link


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