HUGE: COVID Vaccine Injury Payments EXPLODE in Australia

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COVID vaccine shots were mandatory in Australia. If you didn’t get the shot, you didn’t work.

The Australian government is now paying for your funeral if the COVID vaccine kills you.
Now nice is that?

Via Tommy Robinson on Telegram.

The Services Australia website now has instructions and forms for family members to fill out if the forced experimental COVID Vaccines kill someone in your family.

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A new report revealed that the payouts for COVID death and injury EXPLODED in fiscal year 2022-2023. So far the government has paid out $76.9 million equating to 3,845 tier-one claims! reported:

Payouts for Covid-19 vaccine injuries are set to explode more than 80-fold to nearly $77 million by July next year, Tuesday’s budget papers reveal.

The figure was quietly buried in the Services Australia portfolio budget statement, in a table detailing third-party payments from the agency “on behalf of other entities”.

Services Australia administers the scheme for the Health Department.

The table reveals that in 2021-22, the Covid vaccine claims scheme paid out just $937,000 — which would work out to about 47 people if they each received the maximum tier-one amount of $20,000.

But in 2022-23, that amount is estimated to blow out to $76.9 million, equating to 3845 tier-one claims.

Credit: Source link


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