What is CVE, what we need to know


CVE-As reported by Politico’s email went out December with a piece on Vice President Kamala Harris’ disdain for Bluetooth headphones. According to the story, the VP was “Bluetooth-phobic,” “wary” of her Air Pods, and so cautious with her technology use that former workers thought she was “a bit paranoid.However, for a high-profile public figure, this is significantly more feasible than you may think. As security researchers swiftly pointed out, Bluetooth has a number of well-documented vulnerabilities that might be exploited if a bad actor decided to attack, say, the second most powerful person in the US government.”The CVE Program keeps track of 459 Bluetooth vulnerabilities, both current and 1`historical.What is CVE? CVE’s aid IT workers in their efforts to prioritize and fix vulnerabilities in computer system security.

What is CVE and Can it protect us, Everything you need to know
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What does CVE stands for what

CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, and it is a publicly available list of computer security flaws. When someone talks about a CVE, they’re talking about a security issue with a ID number. CVE was founded in 1999, the program is overseen by the MITRE corporation with funding from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

What are CVE vulnerabilities

Computer security is a problem that has been around since the early days of computing. To this day, the computing world is plagued with bugs and vulnerabilities that need to be patched. The cost of these vulnerabilities can vary from a minor inconvenience to a major catastrophe. The biggest cybersecurity concern for the future is whether hackers will be able to infiltrate systems through flaws in programming code. Researchers have found that not only are there more bugs in software, but they are also more severe and easier to exploit. These bugs are known as CVE vulnerabilities, and they have been on the rise over the last few years.

A vulnerability is a type of bug or vulnerability found in software code that allows hackers to infiltrate systems through flaws in programming code so it can disrupt or damage data, programs, or even cause physical damage

How CVE works

The primary purpose of CVE is to provide reference points for various commodities and services to interact with one another.By offering a single, standardized identification method, the CVE was established to address these issues. As a result, it addressed these fundamental concerns by allowing IT specialists to share vulnerability data and collaborate on detecting and resolving issues. As a result, it has been approved as the industry standard for identifying vulnerabilities and exposures by the Numbering Authority Board, and a number of industry-leading products and services

Do all vulnerabilities have a CVE?

Why there are at least 6,000 vulnerabilities without CVE-IDs. A new investigation suggests that up to 6,000 software vulnerabilities lack-IDs. In a article in CSO, Steve Ragan explains that in 2015 alone, 6,356 vulnerabilities disclosed to the public didn’t receive a -ID.

CVE chart
CVE chart

The chart above shows from 2016 – 2021 the number of new threats have increased, until today we have 18,372 new threats that have not been listed.

Across these different systems, IDs give users a reliable way to recognize unique vulnerabilities and coordinate the development of security tools and solutions. The MITRE corporation maintains the List, but a security flaw that becomes a entry is often submitted by organizations and members of the open source community

Do hackers use CVE

Can Hackers Use CVE to Attack My Organization? The short answer is yes but many cybersecurity professionals believe the benefits outweigh the risks: … It improves the shareability of vulnerabilities and exposures within the cybersecurity community.Oct 17, 2021

CVE entries are brief. They don’t include technical data, or information about risks, impacts, and fixes. Those details appear in other databases, including the U.S. National Vulnerability Database (NVD), the CERT/CC Vulnerability Notes Database, and various lists maintained by vendors and other organizations. Across these different systems, IDs give users a reliable way to recognize unique vulnerabilities and coordinate the development of security tools and solutions. The MITRE corporation maintains the List, but a security flaw that becomes a entry is often submitted by organizations and members of the open source community


It is hard to tell what the future will be like. However, we can still think about how we can protect ourselves and our data from hackers and other cyber threats. It is also important to understand how these vulnerabilities affect internet security and find ways to avoid them wherever possible.


What does Mitre stand for

The company’s name is MITRE, not an abbreviation. Although the origin of the name is unknown, James McCormack, a founding member of MITRE’s Board of Trustees, is credited with coining it.
McCormack contributed in the writing of The MITRE Corporation’s charter and incorporation in July 1958. He wanted a name with no meaning or associations, yet with a great ring to it. All of these explanations were found to be false.

Where is CVE website

The website can be reached at https://cve.mitre.org/

What is CVE

CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, the CVE Program keeps track ofvulnerabilities, both current and historical

Who controls cve

The CVE program is overseen by the MITRE corporation with funding from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security


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