New Mexico Election Results Make No Sense

New Mexico 2022 Results
New Mexico 2022 Results

When you look at the map of the 2022 results to date for the US House you would think that New Mexico is a blue state.  However, people who live there say it isn’t so.

The problem in New Mexico is Democrat election corruption similar to the problem in other blue states.

Erin Clements, who worked alongside her husband David Clements and many others in the state to perform election audits in the state of the 2020 Election results said earlier this year:

We have found mountains of red flags in the data and multiple failures on the part of the SOS to ensure the “the purity of elections [to] guard against the abuse of the elective franchise.”


After the midterms she shares:

The 2022 General Election that just transpired shows a continuation of these anomalies and violations of the law. New Mexico can no longer continue to gloss over these issues. They must be dealt with now.

In her team’s analysis of the midterms, there are many issues, including the following shared in the report below:

In the 2022 General Election, multiple violations of the election code were observed and reported. Poll workers intimidated voters concerning the use of their own marking devices, even though doing so is allowed by the SOS’s own guidance document.

Moreover, election worker trainees reported that Otero County Clerk, Robyn Homes, directed them to take down names of anyone that used their own marking device and then refer them to the District Attorney.  A voter in Dona Ana County reported that she was present when a poll worker publicly cussed at and humiliated a voter who had brought their own pen to mark their ballot. Both instances are clear violations of the law and extremely inappropriate conduct for election workers.

Voters were given ballots even though they could not remember their own addresses.

But the biggest issues in New Mexico were related to Significant Evidence of Manipulation in Election Night Reporting

Initial review of the election data shows that serious anomalies occurred, and the results were not consistent with polling data or registration trends. Since 2008, Democrats have steadily been declining in percentage of registrations, while Republicans have continuously gained registrations. Yet, the 2022 election results showed a net loss of Republican seats from the top to the bottom of the ticket in New Mexico.

Election night data is reported by the SOS and sent to Edison Research which pushes results out to media outlets across the country. Edison data was available for the governor, congressional, attorney general, and secretary of state races. All but one of these races showed serious anomalies consistent with manipulation of the election.

The governor’s race was the worst with multiple instances of the drop and roll.  Huge drops occurred with the Democrat governor always benefitting the most, which were offset by ballot decreases.

US House races also made no sense.  Huge ballot increases benefitted the Democrats and then ballots were taken away later in the election process.  This is what we’ve labeled the Drop and Roll.

Whatever spin the Secretary of State and clerks may offer, we know these vote injections cannot all be legitimate. Because if the ballot uploads in the congressional races were real, there should be large corresponding increases in the votes for governor, SOS, and AG. The only increase in the congressional races that corresponded to races at the top of the ticket was the 22:08 November 8th upload. The other three large vote increases in the congressional races do not show large corresponding vote increases in the races at the top of the ticket. Therefore, those vote injections are not consistent with legitimate reporting from counties, but are consistent with fraudulent manipulation of these races.

The AG and Secretary of State races are also not reasonable with large data drops in the process that set them up for the rest of the election.  None of this appears legitimate at all.

There is much more in the report provided below:

New Mexico Results 2022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Credit: Source link


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