More Americans want to see Trump run in 2024 than Biden: Poll


A Morning Consult/Politico poll has found a larger percentage of voters would like to see Donald Trump run for president in 2024 than Joe Biden.

The poll, which surveyed nearly 2,000 voters including Democrats, Republicans and Independents found 18 per cent believe Joe Biden should “definitely” run again and 43 per cent think he shouldn’t.

However a stronger 25 per cent believe Donald Trump should “definitely” run again in 2024 and 45 per cent think he shouldn’t.

If President Biden chooses not to run for a second term, Democrat voters were asked who they would vote for instead.

Vice President Kamala Harris took the lead on 31 per cent but the second highest number was a grim response of 25 per cent clicking “not sure” despite there being a list of Democrat candidates to choose from.

Those surveyed were asked whether the United States was heading in the right direction or off on the wrong track.

39 per cent believe the country is heading in the right direction and 61 per cent say it has gone off on the wrong track.

Joe Biden’s approval of how he’s doing as president was a little closer in numbers but still not in his favour.

22 per cent strongly approve of the job he’s done in his first year and 39 per cent strongly disapprove.

Credit: Source link


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