‘Common sense prevails’ as UK Supreme Court rejects gender-neutral passports


Sky News host Chris Smith says “common sense has prevailed” after the United Kingdom’s Supreme Court rejected plans for gender-neutral passports.

Mr Smith discussed the issue with NSW One Nation Leader Mark Latham.

“Common sense would tell you that the passport is there to identify people in a foreign land and part of identification is to clearly know the gender of the individual, which is a biological phenomenon,” Mr Latham said.

“So that’s basically what the court said. Passports aren’t some sort of fun documents you can change every other day. They’ve got to clearly identify who the induvial is.

“They have an immigration, a tourism, a national security implication to them, and it’s refreshing to hear this court order basically say this government document means you need to be male and female.

“There’s room in there for transgender, I suppose, but you can’t be X, in terms of I’m non-binary; I’m not telling you whether I’m male or female, it depends what I feel like when I wake up in the morning.”

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