“Our Country Needs a Savior Right Now and Our Country Has a Savior. And It’s Not Me. It’s Someone Much Higher”

trump church dalls god
trump church dalls god

President Trump is everything the media says he isn’t.

On Sunday President Trump spoke at Pastor Robert Jeffress’ First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.

Trump delivered a wonderful speech reassuring the congregation on Christmas Week.

President Trump: “Our country needs a savior right now and our country has a savior. And it’s not me. It’s not me. It’s someone much higher than me.”

TRENDING: THOUSANDS Turn Out to See President Trump in Houston — AMAZING VIDEO!


The focus has gone from man to God.
God is the one ultimately delivering us.
The rest of us are vessels.

God bless you this Christmas week.

Via Midnight Rider Channel.

Credit: Source link


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