Hunter Biden’s Attorney Today Says that They Did Not Say that Laptop Was Hunter’s

hunter biden joe
hunter biden joe

Hunter Biden’s attorney says today that Hunter is not acknowledging that the laptop is in fact Hunter’s.  What a crock. 

Last night Hunter Biden’s attorney sent three letters to various entities regarding the Hunter Biden laptop.  Hunter’s attorney’s asked his father Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop.

We found it ironic that Hunter is asking his father’s corrupt DOJ to look into Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Note also that Hunter’s lawyer is asking the corrupt DOJ to look into “accessing, copying, manipulating, and/or disseminating Mr. Biden’s personal computer data”.

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So after lying to the American people for years, the Bidens finally came out and recognized that Hunter’s laptop was indeed Hunter’s laptop.

After Lying to the American Public for Years – Biden Family FINALLY Admits Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is His

This afternoon, Jacqui Heinrich from FOX News reported that Hunter’s attorney does not acknowledge that the laptop is indeed Hunter’s.

This is what happens when you lie.  You usually get caught in more lies trying to cover up the original lie. 

Credit: Source link


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