Eric Swalwell Retweets Satire Video Post by Carpe Donktum Savagely Mocking Him With Fart Sounds

Eric Swalwell Carpe Donktum Meme Screen Image 02022023
Eric Swalwell Carpe Donktum Meme Screen Image 02022023

Rep. Eric Swalwell (Dummkopf-CA) took to the House floor Thursday to give an impassioned, grandstanding speech in support of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) who was facing a motion to remover her from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs because of her anti-Semitism.

Swalwell stood next to an enlarged image of a tweet by the then minority Republicans on the Judiciary Committee posted last fall that read “Kanye. Elon. Trump.” Swalwell excoriated Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for keeping the tweet up for two months after Kanye West had made anti-Semitic remarks.

Thursday evening, Swalwell retweeted a satirist Carpe Donktum tweet of a mocking, doctored version of the Swalwell speech complete with farting sounds and a replacement image featuring a satirical Swalwell tweet made up by Carpe Donktum that read, “Feelin cute, might fart on tv, threaten to nuke somebody, or bang a chinese spy later, idk. #YOLO”

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Carpe Donktum tweeted the video with a tongue-in-cheek message praising Swalwell for his speech, tagging Swalwell, “I want to thank you @RepSwalwell @ericswalwell for standing up and saying the truth! The person who tweeted that SHOULD BE PROSECUTED!!”

Swalwell bit hard, retweeting the video via his personal Twitter account.

Screen image by TGP.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) piled on Swalwell, “[email protected], honey, you’ve been trolled. You may want to consider firing the Chinese spy running your social media.”

As of this writing, 10:30 p.m. EST, Swalwell had not undone the retweet of Carpe Donktum.

Credit: Source link


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