Joe Biden Slurs, Invents a New Language in Virginia Speech (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Virginia Beach, Virginia to discuss his administration’s so-called efforts to protect Americans’ access to ‘affordable’ healthcare.

Biden falsely claimed his $1.9 trillion “stimulus” put the “economy back on track.”

This is a brazen lie.

Biden’s trillions in spending caused the worst inflation crisis in 40 years.

Joe Biden also falsely claimed he “reduced the debt $1.7 billion.”

Moody’s Analytics previously fact-checked Biden’s claim he “reduced the federal deficit.”

Dan White, the Senior Director at Moody’s blasted Joe Biden for his lies last year.

“The actions of the administration and Congress have undoubtedly resulted in higher deficits, not smaller ones. It is encouraging that the administration has proposed some initiatives to bring down the deficit, but so far none of those initiatives has been seriously considered,” Dan White said.

Biden then said he is going to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

This is a great soundbite for Joe’s reelection campaign.

“I wanna make it clear: I’m gonna raise some taxes,” Biden said. “Many of you are billionaires out there. You’re gonna stop paying 3 percent.”

Biden also invented a new language.

“By the way, youdoxagoodifthesanensinlenotions,” Biden said.


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