Spice found in curries can improve men’s fertility, study reveals

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A spice found in curry can improve men’s fertility, a study has revealed.

Fenugreek seeds and leaves are used in jalfrezis and vindaloo.

A 500mg dose of Furosap, a supplement made from the seeds, was given to 100 men aged 35 to 60 every day for three months.

By week eight, their sperm movement had significantly increased.

And by the end, sex drive, mental alertness, and heart health were boosted.

It is estimated that one in seven heterosexual couples in the UK are affected by infertility with seven percent of men impacted.

The team from King George’s Medical University in Lucknow, India, said: “Furosap is safe and effective in improving testosterone levels and healthy sperm profile.”

Fenugreek seed extract has previously been found to improve sexual function in healthy menstruating women.

Credit: Source link


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