New Poll Finds Most Americans Believe COVID Leaked From a Lab – And It Was Covered Up

china wuhan lab
china wuhan lab

A new poll from Rasmussen has found that most Americans believed that the COVID-19 virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan and that officials covered it up.

This comes on the heels of new reports which seem to confirm the lab leak theory at the very least.

Gateway Pundit was one of the first sites to suggest it was a lab leak.

It’s amazing to think that this was a supposed ‘conspiracy theory’ just months ago, according to Democrats and the media.

The Washington Examiner reports:

America knew: 67% believed COVID lab leak, while 65% thought officials covered it up

Most were not surprised last week when two federal agencies expressed confidence that the source of the coronavirus was a leak out of a Wuhan, China, lab.

Nor were they shocked by other recent reports that said masking didn’t do much to stop the spread of COVID-19.

And suspicions that U.S. officials played a role in covering up China’s monstrously deadly attack on the world were also met with a knowing nod.

In fact, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey on the COVID topics, most in the U.S. showed that they have been dismissive of claims from the media and Biden administration about the virus, masks, and how it started.

Consider these findings in the survey:

– On the leak, 67% said they “already believed” it came from “the Wuhan lab,” a claim made in the early days of the crisis by former President Donald Trump but dismissed in the media. Just 20% said they were surprised when an Energy Department and the FBI fingered the lab leak as the likely source of the virus.

– On masks, 49% said that they “already believed” that they didn’t work before the recent reports that masks were ineffective. Some 35% said they were surprised.

– And 65% suspected that U.S. officials were involved in the “cover-up” to hide “China’s role” in the pandemic. House Republicans are looking into ex-virus czar Anthony Fauci’s ties to China and the lab.

– Overall, just 43% gave a good grade to U.S. public health officials for the handling of the virus, while 55% graded them fair to poor, and just 1% were not sure.

Is anyone surprised by any of this?

It’s a matter of common sense. This poll suggests that most people have it.

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