DOD Spends $130K A Day, Nearly $50 Million A Year To Do Nothing With Border Wall Panels that Sit on the Ground

Border Wall Materials Wasted
Border Wall Materials Wasted

Border wall pieces sit on the ground as a record number of illegal aliens flood across the border.

The Biden administration would rather waste millions of dollars than secure the border.

They are spending around $130,000 every day doing nothing with unused border wall panels – this adds up to nearly $50 million a year.

These numbers are based on a request for information to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Although the Corps did say that “the cost to the government cannot be finalized until audits are completed and negotiations with contractors are concluded.”

Fox News reported:

The Biden administration spends about $130,000 per day to store and maintain unused border wall panels at the southern border, and Senate Republicans are demanding answers.

Republican members of the Senate Armed Forces Committee — using details provided to them in a request for information to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) — sent a letter Wednesday evening to the Defense Department asking why nearly $50 million is being spent each year to store the Trump-era border materials.

In its correspondence with the committee, the USACE confirmed the cancelation of the border wall contracts by President Biden’s administration in 2021 “left a variety of excess materials” and the “total costs to store, maintain, and secure all the materials across all sites is estimated to be approximately $130,000 per day.”

“Some of these materials, to include security cameras, overhead lights, and electrical and stormwater materials are being disposed of in accordance with federal excess material disposal laws and regulations,” the USACE stated. “Overall, 61% of non-bollard panel materials, and 4% of bollard panel materials have been transferred to other government agencies or disposed of through the DLA disposition process. The total value of these materials is estimated at approximately $300 million. However, the cost to the government cannot be finalized until audits are completed and negotiations with contractors are concluded.”

In the letter, they state, “Today we write because we are disturbed to learn the Department of Defense is paying private landowners to store border wall materials procured under the Trump Administration instead of fortifying the southern border with those materials.”

From the letter:

As you continue to review your handling of the southern border, please provide:

1. The Department of Defense’s internal correspondence that informed the decision to forgo the Department of Defense Excess Property Disposal process and instead pay $130,000 per day to store border wall panels.
2. The list of the individuals and/or entities the Department of Defense is paying for use of their privately-owned land to store the unused border materials.
3. An explanation of the process through which the Department of Defense contracted with private landowners to store the unused border materials, including whether there was a competitive contracting process and whether the landowners have instituted an inventory review system.

Full document:

What a waste – the Biden administration should be building the border wall!

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