The DOJ Fears DA Bragg Pulled a ‘Michael Avenatti’ and Will Destroy All Their BS Attempts to Get President Trump with His Totally BS Case

Alvin Bragg Michael Avenatti
Alvin Bragg Michael Avenatti

Did DA Bragg destroy all the BS cases the DOJ is attempting to create against President Trump just like Michael Avenatti destroyed the Democrats’ attempt to stop Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation?

The Daily Mail reported:

Justice Department officials are said to be annoyed by the Manhattan District Attorney’s decision to indict Trump, as they believe it is a weak case which could undermine more serious legal probes Trump is facing.

Alvin Bragg’s intention to criminally charge the former president for his payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels was revealed on Thursday – sparking consternation and anger in Mar-a-Lago, and, according to The New York Times, in Washington DC.

The paper reported that ‘senior officials’ at the Justice Department had concerns about the strength of Bragg’s case.

The case has not been made public yet, but is believed to contain at least 30 counts related to the payment to Daniels shortly before the 2016 election.

Justice Department officials reportedly consider Bragg’s case a weak one. They’re currently probing claims Trump tried to overturn Biden’s 2020 election win in Georgia, and whether he incited the January 6 2021 riots.

Federal attorneys are said to believe both cases are stronger than the hush money allegations, and fear Bragg’s decision to proceed could undermine future prosecutions if the New York case against Trump does indeed collapse, or end in acquittal.

What the Daily Mail neglects to mention is that they all are BS cases.  President Trump did nothing wrong.  These communists running the DOJ since the Obama regime took over are hell-bent on getting President Trump even though he did nothing wrong, so they have to make things up.

All their cases are weak, but the worst is Bragg’s case.  Bragg is not too bright and clearly dependent upon others.  He’s woke and corrupt and a Trump hater but he doesn’t have much going on upstairs.

Bragg was dumb enough to get his case out there first and it’s total BS.  President Trump is expected to win this case upon appeal at worst.  He did nothing wrong.

Some believe that Bragg may have committed an Avenatti.

During the Brett Kavanaugh nomination process for the Supreme Court, attorney Michael Avenatti brought in a woman and made outrageous claims about Kavanaugh.  Avenatti’s witness claimed Kavanaugh was a gang rapist which was totally over the top.  Kavanaugh was nominated after total BS accusations a short time later.

Even MSNBC asked Avenatti who was later sent to prison on other crimes, why he announced this witness only a day before the Kavanaugh nomination.

This was a third-world act by a third-rate attorney.

Attorney Mike Davis agrees that Bragg may have mucked things up like Attorney Michael Avenatti did with the Brett Kavanaugh hearing.  Davis mentioned this today on the War Room.  Davis shared on Bragg’s actions and said:

This is what we do in third-world Marxist hell holes.

Bannon then mentioned that they didn’t tell President Trump’s lawyers, they leaked it to the press first and expected President Trump to show up on Friday in front of the court.

Davis went on to remind listeners that the Democrats brought out six accusers in his confirmation hearing accusing him of being a serial gang rapist even though he testified that he was a virgin well into his 20s.

What was so stupid about the Democrats is that they put out Michael Avenatti and his flea bag client Julie Swetnick first and it undermines the other five allegations.  That’s exactly what’s happening here.

Bragg went first because he’s a baffoon and he couldn’t help himself and so he’s going to undermine the other two cases are BS cases too but they’re a lot more credible on their face.

Let’s face it criminal Democrats are idiots.  

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