Dating in NYC is a nightmare — I’m looking for love overseas


Susan, 52, was done with dating in New York.

“When you get out of your 30s and into your 40s, the dating pool shifts for single men,” the fed-up finance worker told The Post.

“Now you are meeting men who are married and cheating, or in the process of a divorce, or separated. It gets complicated. There are kids involved.”

After going on one too many dates with men who claimed to be single but turned out to be taken, the Manhattanite gave up — on American men entirely.

Susan is one of the subjects of the new TLC reality dating series “Match Me Abroad.”

Premiering Sunday at 10 p.m., the show, which uses first names only, follows a group of single Americans as they travel to Colombia, Morocco and the Czech Republic, where matchmakers help them find love outside their home country.

Lonelyhearts looking for a leg up include Harold, 41, an inventor from New Mexico who recently moved out of his parents’ home and is looking for his future wife in Prague; Mark, 44, a sports broadcaster from Arizona who is looking for a woman in Morocco; and Chad, 38, from Tennessee, who is hoping a matchmaker can help put the bitter memory of three failed engagements behind him. 

Susan, 52, is one of the American singles on “Match Me Abroad” who left the country to find love.

A blonde woman putting her face in her hands.
Susan got frustrated with the NYC dating scene.

A blonde woman sitting on a rooftop bar cloth chair.
Susan talks to a gal pal in “Match Me Abroad” about her plans to leave New York to find love elsewhere.

Susan has been married once before, from ages 23 to 26.

After that, the 2008 financial crisis tanked her dating life, she said.  

“I was in a bad place,” she said. “I had lost my job — I was working for Lehman. It took a toll on me emotionally. It was a tough couple of years to date. No one was happy. And I clung to the worst type of life raft, [a relationship that] was toxic and awful, and it took a long time to crawl out of that.”

Following that negative experience, she realized she was no longer meeting people organically and began to feel like dating apps were the only game left in town.

But with apps came “too many married men,” she said. 

A blonde woman looking exasperated.
Susan went on one too many dates with men who turned out to be married.

“I‘ve gone out with a man that was in the midst of a contentious divorce. I’ve been set up with men that were still married. I went on a date with one guy and then later found out that he had a full-on family and lived in a different state entirely.”

That’s not to say that things can’t get complicated in other countries when dating at her age, Susan said.

But based on past experience, it somehow seemed easier.

“I find that the single people that I meet [abroad] don’t have so many attachments. Or if they do, they’re very upfront about it, so I can make a better decision, instead of like eight dates down the road, you’re like, ‘Wait, what, you’ve got twins?’” 

On “Match Me Abroad,” she wanted to try dating in Columbia because she had traveled in South America when she was younger and “the men I met were hot,” she says in the show. 

A poster for "Match Me Abroad" with photos of the singles smiling next to  the show logo.
The singles searching for love get help from matchmakers on “Match Me Abroad.”

“That experience shaped me. I want to get back to that girl that I love, when I was thriving and believed in love. So, I decided I am traveling to Columbia to find it.” 

She wasn’t able to say what she found there lest she spoil the show, but she did run into some challenges in the form of language barriers, she said.

“I was proud of myself for trying, even though I was pulling s–t out of the sky trying to communicate,” Susan said. “I went into it with an open mind and an open heart.”

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