TRUTH: Joe Rogan and Elon Musk Blast Biden Pay-for-Play Schemes and Double Standard of US Injustice System | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

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rogan elon musk biden family 1200x630

It looks like the fake news hacks are the only people left oblivious to the Biden Family Crimes at this point.

Maybe someday they will report on the most corrupt family in US politics – but don’t count on it.

Last week Joe Rogan pointed out the obvious on his enormous podcast.  Joe Rogan, “All the f*cking stuff with his son and the ties to Ukraine and China and the money. The family, they got paid millions of dollars and everyone was trying to obscure it because, ‘Well, better than Trump. Better than Trump. If that guy was a Republican, they would be up his ass with a microscope.”

Elon Musk added his agreement.

Elon Musk correctly pointed out the disparity in the US Justice System in targeting President Trump while ignoring and pardoning crooked Democrats.

Musk sent out a warning to the corrupt US Justice System last week.

As TGP reported earlier, the federal indictment against President Trump was released Friday afternoon. It shows 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information, maximum: 10 years in prison, $250,000 fine. Counts: 32, conspiracy to obstruct justice, max 20 yrs, $250K; 33, withholding a document or record, max 20 yrs, $250K; 34, corruptly concealing a document or record, max 20 yrs, $250K; 35, concealing a document in a federal investigation, max 20 yrs, $250K; 36, scheme to conceal, max 5 yrs, $250K; and 37, false statements and representations, max 5yrs, $250K. Trump aide Waltine Nauta is charged along with Trump in counts 32, 33, 43, 35, and 36. Trump is charged alone in count 37 while Nauta is charged alone in count 38, false statements and misrepresentations.

Trump faces a whopping 100 YEARS in prison if convicted of all charges and given the max on each one. This would mean he would die behind bars, which is what the Biden regime wants.

Musk started out his response to the corrupt indictment by noting the exuberance for pursuing Trump does not exists for other individuals in politics. He then sent a warning to the justice system that they would lose the public trust if they did not rebut this ridiculous standard.

Many would argue the justice system has already lost the public trust.

Credit: Source link


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