Guo Wengui/Miles Guo Must Be Granted Bail After Court Shows Undeniable Bias | The Gateway Pundit | by Promoted Post

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(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

by Matt Palumbo

After initially being denied bail, anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dissident Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Guo) had another shot at being granted it at a hearing on Tuesday, May 30, but once again it was unjustly denied, adding yet more evidence that the system is rigged against him.

Guo was arrested on March 15, 2023, and has been held without bail ever since, which is unprecedented in New York, the state he was arrested in. Countless high-profile individuals who faced allegations of fraud far larger than Guo were let out without bail, including Bernie Madoff, who ran a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, Jordan Belfort, who caused $200 million in losses and is better known as the “Wolf of Wall Street,” and Theranos fraudster Elizabeth Holmes.

Southern District of New York U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, a Biden-appointee who previously worked at CCP-linked Paul Weiss law firm, urged the judge presiding over Guo’s case to deny Guo bail. This is despite Williams making no such demand when he announced charges against Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder of FTX cryptocurrency exchange, who is accused of causing up to $8 billion in fraud losses was released on a $250 million personal recognizance bond with two initially anonymous signers.

The Court has clearly decided against giving Guo bail before he was even able to argue for it. The Court concluded that Guo should be detained because he hadn’t satisfied some of his proposed conditions before the District Court had determined whether or not those proposed conditions would even be sufficient in the first place.

Guo had offered an astronomical $25 million bond as collateral, which would be signed by him and two other “financially responsible adults,” one of whom is not a family member. The judge didn’t find that the $25 million was an insufficient bond, which would’ve been laughable, but instead decided that there was “no possible person or asset could meet the proposed bond specifications,” which is simply their opinion. This also violates standard procedure – defendants are usually allowed to submit a proposed method of meeting a particular bail condition after the court determines that the condition is sufficient.

It falls on the Court to find that there is “no possible combination of conditions” that will reasonably assure Guo’s return to court to deny him bail – and they undertook no such analysis.

Beyond the evidence of procedural bias, there are no good arguments for denying Guo bail, and countless good arguments in favor of it.

Despite arguing that Guo is a flight risk, the court has acknowledged that Guo isn’t in possession of any travel documents, and instead argued that because he’s obtained passports from other countries in the past, he’d be able to do so in the future, without providing any explanation of how he could plausibly do so. Obviously, this is because there simply isn’t any way he could.

Offering a similarly poor argument, the Court argues that using an ankle monitor to track Guo simply isn’t adequate because he’d be able to get a “head start” on an escape if he were to disable it. This is laughable for two reasons; that Guo proposed also being put under 24/7 surveillance, and that if he did disable the monitor, he wouldn’t get out of his front door before the government was made aware of it.

The detention of Guo has inhibited his ability to provide an adequate defense for himself. MDC-Brooklyn remains in continuous lockdown, which has prevented Guo from meeting with his lawyers. This greatly complicates his ability to defend himself, and even work with his counsel in the first place.  Given how rigged the deck has been against Guo so far, it would only be natural if this is the exact reason he’s being denied bail in the first place.

Further compounding the absurdity, when a number of CCP agents were arrested for operating an illegal Chinese police station in New York, and also a group called the “912 Group,” which exists with the main purpose of targeting Guo with the goal of getting him deported, they were all released on bail. If they’re not a flight risk, when they can easily leave to a country that will shelter them, how could Guo be?

In the interest of judicial fairness, it is essential that Guo be granted bail. By bestowing upon him the freedom to combat the baseless accusations hurled his way, we ensure the preservation of bedrock principles like due process and the right to mount a defense. The mistreatment suffered by Guo serves as a chilling reminder of the potential for power abuse within our judicial system. The time has come to prioritize truth, fairness, and the safeguarding of individual liberties, by granting Guo the opportunity to champion his innocence.

About the author: About the author: Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros (2021), Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York (2020), Debunk This! Shattering Liberal Lies (2019), and Spygate (2018).

Credit: Source link


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