**HUGE BREAKING NEWS** — Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Move Forward Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes — VIDEO

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Rep. Tim Ramthun

The Wisconsin Assembly on Tuesday voted to withdraw its 10 electors for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a privileged resolution to withdraw its 10 electors for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.
The voice vote was unanimous and passed the assembly earlier this evening.

The legislation will now move forward to the Rules Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly and to the Wisconsin Senate, bill 743, for immediate confirmation.

The legislation was introduced by Rep. Timothy Ramthun.

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How it happened: Rep. Timothy Ramthun Assembly rule 43 resolution or joint resolution relating to the officers, members, former members, procedures, or organization of the assembly or legislature is privileged in that it may be offered under any order of business by a member who has the floor and may be taken up immediately before all other proposals, unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee or to the calendar.

During the open session, Representative Ramthun called point of order asking to be recognized, after he was given the floor he used Assembly rule 43, to call to get passage for the resolution to the rules committee.

Representative Ramthun asked to suspend rules and have the resolution pulled back however because they were in the 10th it was said to be out if order. The Resolution to take back our 10 electors from the 2020 general election has been passed on to the rules committee, it is alive and today Representative Ramthun showed the people of our country that the Constitution of the United States of America is the law of the land, if you use it.

So for those whom have questioned whether or not Article II, Section 1, Clauses 2 and 3 of the US Constitution gives the Legislature (the closest body to the people) plenary right to oversee elections is accurate and true.

Because the Chief Clerk announced it was a privileged resolution, it was then required under rule 43 that it had to be sent to the rules committee.

Rep Ramthun called for a point of order and took the floor during the open session today. Presented his testimony to pull back the electors for the fraudulent 2020 election.

The assembly joint resolution AJR LRB5782 relating to Wisconsin’s election reform & reclaiming the elector ballots for President & Vice President that were certified under fraudulent intent & purpose.

Assembly Rules Committee Members:

Representative Steineke (Chair)
Representative Vos
Representative August
Representative Petersen
Representative Vorpagel
Representative Kuglitsch
Representative Tittl
Representative Plumer
Representative Dittrich
Representative Neubauer
Representative Hesselbein
Representative Spreitzer
Representative Subeck
Representative Pope
Representative Baldeh

How can you help? Contact the rules committee members and tell them to put the resolution through.
You can reach your legislator by calling the Legislative Hotline. In Madison, dial 266-9960. Toll-free, call 1-800-362-9472.

** We will be updating this post as we learn more.

Credit: Source link


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