Biden Crime Family Made 5 Deals with Communist Chinese Elites Worth $31 Million to Hunter and the Biden Family

hunter joe
hunter joe

During his dealings with the Chinese Communist regime Hunter Biden was given a 2.8-carat jewel from Ye Jianming, then the chairman of CEFC China Energy Company.

In court filings, the diamond was estimated to be worth $80,000. Hunter claimed it was worth $10,000.

Ye Jianming later mysteriously disappeared.

The Bannon War Room later released photos of the alleged Hunter Biden diamond.
Hunter told the New Yorker he got rid of the diamond?

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This was just one of the perks Hunter received in his multi-million dollar ventures grifting for the Biden Crime Family.

On Thursday Peter Schweitzer published information on The New York Post on the Biden Crime Family’s multi-million dollar deals with Chinese elites.

The New York Post reported:

The lawyers in Hunter Biden’s divorce case sparred over his alleged possession of a large diamond given to him by a since-vanished Chinese energy tycoon, emails obtained by The Post reveal.

The correspondence shows a lawyer for Hunter’s then-wife, Kathleen Buhle, demanding information about the gem in an email with the subject line “Biden – Urgent” and an importance level of “High.”

“Hunter is in possession of a large and extremely valuable diamond,” lawyer Rebekah Sullivan wrote on Feb. 17, 2017.

“Please provide proof that the diamond has been placed in a safety deposit box – accessible only by both parties together – by noon tomorrow or we will have no choice but to ask the court, on an emergency basis, to enjoin his further dissipation of assets, including the diamond.”

Biden’s lawyer, Sarah Mancinelli, forwarded the email to him, along with a note saying, “Can you tell me what this about and allow me to reassure them there is no issue here?”

In a second email chain, Mancinelli forwarded a follow-up message in which Buhle’s lawyer demanded a “complete explanation, as soon as possible” regarding the diamond’s whereabouts.

Read the rest here.

Oh… And the Clintons accepted up to $100,000 from Hunter Biden’s Chinese energy firm.

The New York Post reported:

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: the Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefitted from his family’s foreign deals.

What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?

Payout: Estimated $20 million

In 2018, I was the first to report on Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). Hunter even introduced his dad to a company executive in December 2013 when father and son flew to Beijing on Air Force Two.

In October 2019, Hunter Biden’s lawyer George Mesires said that Hunter would be resigning from the BHR board, without receiving any return on his investment or shareholder distributions.

What Team Biden failed to address was the fact that Hunter Biden still owned a stake in the investment fund, said to be 10%.

When I first reported on Hunter Biden’s China ties in 2018, Team Biden denied that they existed. Then they absurdly claimed that his stake in the BHR investment fund was only $420,000.

Read the rest here.

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