Chaos Erupts in Chicago City Hall as Palestinian Rioters Disrupt Council Meeting Over Israel Solidarity Resolution (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

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Screenshot 2023 10 13 at 10.12.12 PM 1200x630

Palestinian rioters stormed Chicago City Hall on Friday, disrupting the proceedings and assaulting police officers. The incident occurred as the City Council was in the process of approving a resolution declaring solidarity with Israel, following a brutal attack by Hamas militants over the weekend.

Alderman Debra Silverstein, the council’s only Jewish member, introduced the symbolic Israel Solidarity Resolution to show support for Israel after Hamas militants launched a surprise attack from the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds and taking many more hostage.

“I urge my colleagues to be on the right side of history, and to take a stand against Hamas’ evil. The United States of America stands with Israel. President Biden and Vice President Harris stand with Israel,” Silverstein said.

The resolution was met with opposition from pro-Palestinian protesters who had gathered in the City Council chamber. Mayor Brandon Johnson ordered police to clear the public out of the second-floor gallery after protesters repeatedly ignored his calls for decorum. Some of those protesters had to be forcibly removed from the chamber, CBS News reported.

Laura Loomer, an independent journalist, reported that proceedings inside City Hall were shut down after violent Palestinian rioters stormed the building and carried out violent acts inside. One livestream caught police on camera removing the rioters, who were seen screaming and assaulting police officers.

The situation escalated quickly, with many in the crowd chanting “shame on you” as they were escorted out.


Here’s more video:

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who were earlier ejected from the council chamber, crowded in the first-floor lobby of City Hall as the meeting continued, chanting “Free, free Palestine!”

Ultimately, the resolution was approved by a simple voice vote, with only Alderman Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez asking to be officially recorded as a “no” vote. Mayor Johnson asked for all of Chicago to pray for peace in the Middle East and said, “I will continue to fight for liberation for every single person.”


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