GOP Senators Demand Answers from Biden Regime on 23,000 Americans Stranded in Ukraine

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A recent report earlier this month by American Military News revealed that up to 9,000 Americans were left behind in Afghanistan to fend for themselves against the Taliban after Joe Biden surrendered, fled the country and left over $80 billion in US military arms for the Taliban terrorists.

The previous reporting estimated around 14,000 Americans were still in the country back in November 2020.

Republicans are demanding answers from President Biden on what he will do to help an estimated 23,000 Americans still stuck in war-torn Ukraine.

Joe Biden and Democrats left Afghanistan and never looked back.

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Now there are reports that 23,000 Americans are still stranded in Ukraine as Russia continues its invasion on the country.

Republicans want to know what Joe Biden’s plans are for these 23,000 stranded Americans.
They might as well be talking to the wall.

The Daily Mail reported:

Republicans are demanding answers from President Biden on what he will do to help an estimated 23,000 Americans still stuck in war-torn Ukraine.

Biden warned that if war broke out, the State Department would not rescue any US citizen or green-card holder who is still in the country. Americans are being told to make their own way to the borders of neighboring countries Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova and Hungary but many can’t.

There are tens of thousands of people trying to flee Ukraine on buses, trains and in cars. At every gas station, there are snaking lines for gasoline and banks are limiting how much cash people can withdraw.

Some off-the-books former military personnel are helping people escape on buses, but there remain an unknown number of people on the ground in need of help.

Republican Senators Bill Hagerty and Marsha Blackburn on Thursday sent a letter to the Secretary of Defense and State Secretary Blinken demanding answers.

The entire letter is here.

Blackburn, Hagerty Sound Al… by Jim Hoft

Credit: Source link


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