Godless, Christian-Hating, Pro-Palestinian Mob Disrupts Christmas Tree Lighting in Ypsilanti, Michigan – Chanting “America is a Terrorist State!” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

palestine protesters
palestine protesters
Pro-Palestinian protesters just disrupted a Christmas tree lighting celebration in Ypsilanti, Michigan. via BGontheScene

This is the modern day left. Radical, Anti-Christian, Anti-American bullies and thugs.

Godless thugs plotted to shut down the Ypsilanti, Michigan Christmas Tree Lighting on Sunday night.

The protest was organized by radical anti-Israel leftists who are demanding a ceasefire resolution by the community leaders.

The group includes gays, antifa, socialists, and pro-Palestinian groups. These gays are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

The radical, godless leftists ruined the night for Michigan families who wanted a night of Christmas carols and a tree lighting.

Instead, the radical anti-Israel bullies chanted, “America is a terrorist state.”

The Christmas crowd was forced to move over to the Freighthouse, away from the godless protesters who were there to ruin the evening for eveyone.

The godless left wants to eliminate Christmas.

The families were forced to move.

Then they ruined the after party.

Credit: Source link


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