“If the Election Wasn’t Rigged, America Would Right Now Continue to have Record-Low Gas Prices”

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Trump is coming back scaled

President Trump released a statement this morning on the cost of gas and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

President Trump released a statement this morning where he discusses the current situation in the US and the world concerning the cost of gas and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

If my energy policy had remained in place, where we were energy independent, and would have soon been bigger in production than Saudi Arabia and Russia combined, the world would have had no problems whatsoever. This war should never have started in the first place. If the Election wasn’t Rigged, America would right now continue to have record-low gas prices, as it was under my Administration, and we would be supplying the world with oil and gas. Also, Russia would not have attacked Ukraine. Instead, we have a horribly tragic and unnecessary war, record-high energy prices, Inflation, no Border, crime, and chaos. Make America STRONG Again!

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President Trump is right, again.

Credit: Source link


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