Did Bill Clinton Go to Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’? What We Know So Far | The Gateway Pundit

Epstein and Clinton and Island Temple
Epstein and Clinton and Island Temple

After all, did former President Bill Clinton go the Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island or not? What do we really know about it?

On the eve of the disclosure of a massive 200-name list of ‘John and Jane Does’ associated with the late pedophile, the repeated denials by Clinton’s team may be vindicated or come crashing down.

To briefly summarize: after Virginia Giuffre went public with her accusations against Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the former socialite responded with a press release calling Virginia a liar.

Giuffre sued Maxwell for defamation and got a financial settlement from her – but not before a boatload of testimony and discovery took place.

Read: Dangerous Photographer: Clicks by Jeffrey Epstein Mean Reputational Damage – Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Now Bill Gates Pictured With Alleged Sex Trafficking Victims

Ever since then, Giuffre, some vehicles in the press, and other alleged victim groups have been pressuring for the continued release of the documents from the suit.

This week, a famed ‘list’ of high-profile associations is to be released after much delay.

This list could shed light on who the visitors to Epstein Island were. The Caribbean retreat is where Epstein invited his wealthy and influential connections and where a multitude of sex trafficking crimes are said to have been committed.

Read: BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents

An interesting Newsweek article gathered existing information about whether Bill Clinton ever visited Epstein Island.

“A spokesperson for the former president previously reiterated his July 2019 statement to Newsweek, stating ‘President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York’.

The statement confirmed Clinton had flown on Epstein’s plane with his staff and added, ‘He’s not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and has never been to Little St. James island’.”

Read: World Braces for Release of Epstein Client List Sometime This Week – 150 Names Expected to Be Made Public

Clinton is mentioned in the Giuffre-Maxwell lawsuit, and while there is no accusation of wrongdoing, Giuffre did claim that she met Clinton on the ‘Pedophile Island’.

In a manuscript for her memoir, called ‘The Billionaire’s Playboy Club’, Roberts described seeing Clinton on the island.

“Jeffrey wanted his evening massage… leaving our guest of honor to find company elsewhere. Strolling into the darkness with two beautiful girls around either arm, Bill seemed content to retire for the evening.”

While we do know that Clinton flew ‘only’ 26 times on the ‘Lolita Express’, Epstein’s plane, and was photographed with alleged sex trafficking victims, there is not, as of now, records showing that the former president would have flown to the island.

Clinton has been identified in the press as ‘Doe 36’, mentioned in more than 50 of the redacted filings.

Back to Newsweek:

“In 2020, a former associate of Clinton, Doug Band, told Vanity Fair that the former president visited Epstein Island. In a wide-ranging interview, Band claimed the trip took place in January 2003; he said he did not accompany Clinton on the alleged visit.

Much of the Vanity Fair article discusses Band’s acrimonious fallout with the Clintons, a spokesperson for the family telling the magazine that ‘No staffer has ever used their role to serve their interests as much as Doug Band’. A Clinton spokesperson also told Vanity Fair that the former president had never been to the island.”

Back in 2020, Gabriel Sherman, in Vanity Fair, reported:

“Band told me he had been trying to push Epstein out of Clinton’s orbit ever since their much-discussed 2002 trip to Africa aboard Epstein’s private 727, dubbed the ‘Lolita Express’.

Band recalled that Epstein had made a bunch of ridiculous claims on the trip, like boasting that he invented the derivatives market. Band said he had no idea about Epstein’s sex crimes back then but got enough bad vibes that he advised Clinton to end the relationship.

But Clinton continued to socialize with Epstein and take his money. In 2006 Epstein donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton made more than two dozen trips on Epstein’s jet around this time, Epstein’s flight logs show. In January 2003, according to Band, Clinton visited Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St. James. Band said it was one of the few trips he declined to go on in his time with Clinton. A Clinton spokesperson said the president had never been to the island and provided detailed travelogue entries of the period in question that did not contain a visit.”

Watch: President Trump weighs in about Bill Clinton and the ‘Island’.

Read more:

THICK AS THIEVES: Clinton and Epstein – 1993-2013

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