The ‘Luckiest Day of the Year’ is here and will bring you a miracle

march 5 luckiest day 1
march 5 luckiest day 1

Are you ready to get lucky? I bet you are!

An extremely rare day is upon us: the Luckiest Day of the Year! Ancient astrologers often referred to the day that the Sun and Jupiter met in the sky as a day of miracles. This will occur for the first time in over a year on March 5, 2022. Plan ahead because your dreams could be within reach!

No matter your zodiac sign, you will suddenly see that the universe is smiling upon you. Your hopes, ambitions and aspirations could all manifest before your eyes. However, rather than just waiting for what the universe plans to bring to you, the best thing to do is to be strategic and use this day to go big or go home!

Take chances, start new initiatives, ask someone out, tell a loved one how you feel or shoot your shot in regards to anything that you want a little bit of luck on your side for. The big breakthrough you’ve been waiting for could literally be here, so plant a seed and let it grow.

While each zodiac sign will fare a little bit better in one way or another, don’t just limit yourself to the predictions below. Use the Luckiest Day of the Year however you want. The magic lives within you.

It’s time to live large!
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Read how your zodiac sign will be affected below! Then, make sure to catch up on my 2022 predictions for your zodiac sign as well as your 2022 love life and relationship horoscopes. And don’t forget to follow me for daily insights!


Embrace your inner world and spirit, Aries. You have an incredible opportunity to unlock immense creativity, vision and psychic ability now. Listen to the synchronicities of the universe and use your heart to connect to a higher power. Your prayers in every way can be answered now. Also begin working on something in solitude or behind-the-scenes — it could become a passion project that changes your world.


Connect to others today, Taurus. In fact, if you can throw a party or attend one, you may find that you’re suddenly surrounded by or meeting soulmate connections! Not only will you see your popularity and fame grow from this, but you could realize that all of your aspirations are within reach, too. Also, draw up a vision board of all your long-term personal and professional goals and send some messages or make some calls to people who may be able to open the doors to you. Lastly, romance and dating could flourish for you today, as well. Plan something special.


Professional glory could now be yours, Gemini. Now is the perfect time to launch a big career project, make a significant decision around your ambitions or take a step further into the spotlight. If applying for any jobs or awards — or asking a favor from an authority figure — do so today. New opportunities arising from previously completed work could suddenly appear.


Moving in new directions will flow more easily for you at this time, Cancer. If looking to travel, relocate or immigrate, either set off on this date or book travel arrangements now to embark at a later time. If involved in international business or markets, launch something big today. Lastly, if you’re eager to pursue academic, media or publishing matters, submit proposals or launch a project now.

Celebrate life!
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Trust and sharing will be big themes for you today and you could have the breakthrough you’ve been hoping for, Leo. Make a significant promise to someone in business or love or renegotiate something. Big wins around wealth could also pop up at this time, especially in regards to settlements, assets, scholarships, inheritances or investments. Invest or sell today.


Relationship matters are divinely blessed for you now, Virgo. This will be a gorgeous day to make a promise if you want to keep it forever. Whether it’s in business or love, sign, commit or agree at this time. Getting engaged or married now would help your partnership prosper forever. However, if single and ready to mingle, set up a memorable date with someone who has long-term potential. This could end up being your soulmate.


Make big business moves now, Libra. Success will shine down upon your productivity and employment exponentially. If submitting a proposal or taking on new projects, you’ll do especially well. Ask a favor from a boss or coworker, as it could be easily granted. If looking for a better job, apply today. For those who are running their own business, hire staff today — they could help you prosper and bring more ease to your flow. Lastly, if you’re looking for any growth around health, fitness or diet, start on a game plan today.


Surround yourself with pure pleasure today, Scorpio! Your heart’s desires will flourish and grow! Whether single or attached, make L-O-V-E a top priority. Plan a special and memorable date. Make promises in romance. Fertility is also in the spotlight, so you could hear news of a pregnancy if you’re hoping to pursue this. Lastly, spend time embracing your creativity, hobbies, sports and anything that makes you truly happy.

divine in
Dive into life and happiness!
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A big win around home, family and domestic matters will likely arrive now, Sagittarius. This could finally help you to feel more stable, secure and happy at the base of your spirit. If looking to make a change around renovations, relocations or real estate, decide and apply today. Buying real estate will likely bring long-term gains and happiness for you. For those who love their current residence, have a dinner party or gathering at your place and it will be a blast. Lastly, if seeking to heal a connection with anyone in your lineage, offer an olive branch now.


Proposals, intellectual projects, academics and contractual matters will shine like gold for you today, Capricorn. In fact, everything that you write, speak, post or broadcast could bring you more growth, prosperity and attention. Update your website, resume, portfolio or social media to further any strategic plans. Your communication skills could bring you glory now. Lastly, if you’re ready to spice up your life a bit, plan a quick little vacation or make like a tourist in your own city: Joy could be around every corner.


Let the wealth rain down upon you, Aquarius. With financial matters in the spotlight for you, you could make out like a bandit! Make important money decisions now — sell, buy, invest or review — you’ll find jewels at this time. Open a new bank account. Lastly, if looking to get a new steady job or take on more clients, start applying today!


The sky is the limit for you, Pisces! In fact, you’re lucky in every single way at this time. No matter how you’d like to use this energy, take charge and plant seeds in every area of your life. Draw up your vision board and start to make it happen. With the entire universe favoring you, focus on your greatest sense of happiness and fulfillment and watch as you are rewarded for your efforts.

When will the Sun conjunct Jupiter again?

Seize the day because the Luckiest Day of the Year(s) will not happen again until April 11, 2023, then May 18, 2024 and, after that, June 24, 2025.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit

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