New Poll Finds Democrats Are Haunted By Their Calls To ‘Defund The Police’

The Squad 1
The Squad 1

Now that the 2022 midterms are approaching, it’s becoming clear that crime is one of the issues that matters most to voters.

As a result, Democrats are desperately trying to get the public to forget that they called to defund the police, which may go down in history as one of the dumbest ideas of all time.

Biden even brought it up during his state of the union address, trying to reverse the damage by saying we should fund the police.

No one is buying it. Everyone remembers what Democrats said about police for years and their calls to defund them.

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A new poll shows that Democrats can’t get away from this issue and it’s hurting them.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Democrats haunted by calls to defund the police

Voters aren’t buying President Joe Biden’s claim that Democrats want to fund police around the nation, which could be an election-crushing problem that threatens the party’s hold on Congress.

Despite his promise in the State of the Union address that the party is pro-officer, new polling data show that earlier pledges by liberals to defund the police are what voters believe the party stands for.

“In terms of what is the position of the Democratic Party, voters tend to believe that Democrats want to defund the police” by a 48%-34% margin, pollsters David Winston and Myra Miller said in their latest Winston Group memo shared with Secrets.

It added, “Among groups outside the Democratic Party, Hispanics believe this is what Democrats want (49%-32%), as do suburban voters (45%-36%). Independents believe this slightly at 41%-33%, but especially conservative independents (61%-20%).”

The video below is the Democrats’ worst nightmare. A reminder of all the times they called for defunding the police.

No one has forgotten any of this.

Democrats deserve to pay a price for it in November.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Credit: Source link


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