Mysterious message carved by ancient ‘lost people of Scotland’ found

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Experts have uncovered a rare stone in Scotland with baffling symbols carved into it.

Indigenous people who lived there around 1,500 years ago are thought to have left the markings.

Three oval shapes, a comb and mirror, a crescent, and double discs can be made out on the 1.7 meter-long discovery.

But archaeologists have been left scratching their heads as to what the symbols actually mean.

Professor Gordon Noble, excavation leader from the University of Aberdeen told Live Science that the “best guess is that they are a naming system representing Pictish names”.

The Picts were a group of people who roamed what is now northern and eastern parts of Scotland in the ancient and medieval times.

Experts were brought to tears after finding the stone in Aberlemno, as only 200 have been unearthed so far.

And it was stumbled upon unexpectedly, as the team were only studying a farmer’s field at the time.

The Picts were a group of people who roamed what is now northern and eastern parts of Scotland.
University of Aberdeen

“We thought we’d just uncover a little bit more before we headed off for the day,” researcher Dr. James O’Driscoll said.

“We suddenly saw a symbol. There was lots of screaming.”

“Then we found more symbols and there was more screaming and a little bit of crying.”

What’s particularly strange is that the symbols seem to overlap one and other, suggesting they were carved at different times.

Archaeologists excavate the Pictish-carved stone in Aberlemno, Scotland.
Archaeologists excavate the Pictish-carved stone in Aberlemno, Scotland.
University of Aberdeen

“There are only around 200 of these monuments known,” Professor Noble added.

“They are occasionally dug up by farmers plowing fields or during the course of road building but by the time we get to analyze them, much of what surrounds them has already been disturbed.”

“To come across something like this while digging one small test pit is absolutely remarkable and none of us could quite believe our luck.”

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There are reportedly only around 200 of these monuments known.
There are reportedly only around 200 of these monuments known.
University of Aberdeen

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This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.

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