My secret pandemic romance was a real-life rom-com


Love in the time of corona.

The coronavirus pandemic may have torpedoed many a relationship, but a lucky few managed to find a soulmate amid sickness.

A UK woman shared the unlikely tale of how she fell in love with a New York coworker she moved in with during quarantine — and kept their ensuing office romance a secret from other colleagues for a whole year.

“[Initially] there was no romantic attraction on either end and we were both just friendly people who got on well,” Holly Sandberg, 28, told Jam Press of her lockdown love story, which she documented in a March TikTok video with over 2.3 million views.

The coronavirus romance was set in motion in 2020 after the market researcher moved from London to New York City for work.

While Sandberg previously had only been to the US once, she wanted to get outside her comfort zone. Thankfully, the Big Apple office had an opening.

After settling into her position, she befriended a fellow newcomer named Cam, whom she knew from across the pond.

“Cam is a dual citizen and worked in the UK office for six months, although our paths rarely crossed there,” the new ex-pat explained. “Our company moved him a couple of weeks after me and we became friends as we shared that experience of being ‘newbies’ in the office.”

‘All of my friends back home kept saying we would end up together, but I was adamant that it wouldn’t happen.’

For the next two weeks, the pair would regularly grab lunch together and spend time exploring the city.

The Londoner recounted one time after work when the coworkers visited Central Park together and “spent three hours chatting and taking pictures of the moon.”

Despite their “blossoming friendship,” Sandberg insisted there was initially no romantic attraction between her and Cam, who, at four years her junior, seemed more like a “younger brother” than a potential paramour.

Then the pandemic hit five weeks into her stay, changing everything forever.

“[Initially] there was no romantic attraction on either end and we were both just friendly people who got on well,” said Holly Sandberg.
Jam Press/@sunshinebyholly

As she had very few friends in the Big Apple, Sandberg wasn’t sure how to react, so she turned to her mom for advice.

“I phoned my mum and said that I didn’t know what to do, as I didn’t know anyone in or out of the city,” she said. “We knew that flights were getting canceled, so it would be difficult to get back.”

The bewildered gal added: “I thought my American adventure was done after just a few weeks.”

Thankfully, mom saved the day by suggesting that she ask to stay with her work pal Cam, who was residing in New Jersey with his dad Rick, Jam Press reported.

"I realised how much of an incredible person he was, as it’s rare to spend that much time with someone and genuinely enjoy every moment of it," gushed Sandberg.
“I realized how much of an incredible person he was, as it’s rare to spend that much time with someone and genuinely enjoy every moment of it,” gushed Sandberg.
Jam Press/@sunshinebyholly

While initially hesitant as it seemed like a “giant ask,” Sandberg “eventually agreed with her and spent a long time crafting the message.”

Thankfully, Sandberg’s new bestie responded quickly, saying that if she felt comfortable, she could self-isolate with them for a week until things blew over.

The Brit packed two weeks’ worth of clothes and boarded a train to New Jersey, where she’s lived ever since.

The lovebirds snuck around behind Cam's dad for several months while figuring things out.
The lovebirds snuck around behind Cam’s dad for several months while figuring things out.
Jam Press/@sunshinebyholly

Due to their corresponding work and living schedules, Cam and Sandberg spent nearly every waking moment together — even while Sanberg was recovering at their home following neck surgery. Their shared activities included walks, kayaking, night cookouts on the beach and other hobbies straight out of a rom-com montage.

What started out as a mere friendship quickly bloomed into a full-fledged, remote-working romance for the ages.

“I realized how much of an incredible person he was, as it’s rare to spend that much time with someone and genuinely enjoy every moment of it,” gushed Sandberg. “All of my friends back home kept saying we would end up together, but I was adamant that it wouldn’t happen.”

The lovestruck gal added, “After four weeks, I texted my friend: ‘I spend all day with this man and each night I go to bed, I can’t wait to see him again the next day.’”

From left to right: Cam's dad, Cam and Holly Sandberg.
From left to right: Cam’s dad, Cam and Holly Sandberg.
Jam Press/@sunshinebyholly

Their relationship became official the next day after Cam’s dad left the house and the corona-crossed lovers were lying together during a yoga sesh.

“That’s when I leaned over and kissed him. Everything felt so right, like it was natural for us,” said Sandberg. “We fell in love very slowly and it was like we skipped all the dating drama, as I already knew him intimately.”

The lovebirds initially snuck around behind Cam’s dad for several months while figuring things out. Per Cam’s request, the couple also only told a few colleagues about their surreptitious relationship, effectively allowing them to exist in their “own little loved-up bubble for a whole summer,” fawned Sandberg.

They didn’t spill the beans to coworkers until a year later when Sandberg left the company.

What started out as a mere friendship quickly bloomed into a full-fledged remote-working romance for the ages.
What started out as a mere friendship quickly bloomed into a full-fledged remote-working romance for the ages.
Jam Press Vid/@sunshinebyholly

The smitten gal has since chronicled her and Cam’s corona romance in a series of TikTok videos, including one in which she summed up the whirlwind saga by re-enacting the initial text conversation that led to them living together.

“Me: moves from London to New York then panics as I watch the whole city shut down with a global panderama,” she wrote in the clip’s caption. “My new American colleague: I know you’re totally alone here, do you want to come stay with me at my dad’s until this passes?”

‘We fell in love very slowly and it was like we skipped all the dating drama, as I already knew him intimately.’

Accompanying photos show the self-isolating soulmates doing everything together, from taking bike rides and sitting at the beach with Cam and his father to dressing in festive pajamas on Christmas Day.

TikTok commenters were over the moon about their love story, which many compared to a real-life rom-com.

“What in the romcom,” said one, while another wrote, “I’d watch the absolute HELL out of this show/movie.”

“Sell the movie rights, buy his dad a house and yourselves a house,” suggested one fan.

“From the moment I set foot in Cam’s house, my life has felt like I’m living a story out of a beautiful romance film,” Sandberg concurred.

Cam and Sandberg biking together.
Cam and Sandberg biking together.
Jam Press Vid/@sunshinebyholly

In the future, the soulmates plan to embark on their first trip to the UK together as a couple.

“We’re at a super exciting time as my VISA is finally moving which means we can go to the UK together for the first time,” Sandberg said. “He’ll finally be able to meet all my family and friends and as travel is something that has been a real passion for us both, we’re planning a lot of adventures right now.”

In a similar COVID love story in 2020, “Survivor” contestant Kellyn Bechtold recounted how she managed to land a lover on Bumble while locked down abroad in Spain.

“We’re at a super exciting time as my VISA is finally moving which means we can go to the UK together for the first time," Sandberg said.
“We’re at a super exciting time as my VISA is finally moving which means we can go to the UK together for the first time,” Sandberg said.
Jam Press/@sunshinebyholly

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