“Government Wins From A Frightened Population — All The Time” (VIDEO)

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Security Expert Gavin de Becker just warned that people should question when the government is telling them to fear something.

He noted that tyrannical governments have used the smear of “false news” to shut down dissent many times in the past:

“King Charles in the 1600s banned coffee houses. Why? Because coffee houses were places where people gathered together and talked and they’d be a little amped up…he put out a proclamation. I’m quoting it here. Restrain the spreading of false news and licentious talking of matters of state and government…he does another proclamation saying the spreaders of false news or promoters of anything malicious against the state will be considered seditious.”


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The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft gave a presentation at Regent University exposing the “Rise of Authoritarianism” in the United States.

“The Rise of Authorita… by Jim Hoft

Here is the full presentation:

Fear has become a tool of tyranny.

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com!

Credit: Source link


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