Marine Le Pen is Surging in French Polls One Day before Election as French Grow Concerned with Macron’s Economy and Immigration Policies

marine le pen rally 1
marine le pen rally 1

Right-wing politician Marine Le Pen is surging in the polls just one day before the French elections on Sunday.

le Pen is surging on economic relief to French workers and common sense immigration policies.

Evidently in France, they are tired of their open borders and immigrants living off of welfare.

European Rennaissance reported:

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Opinion polls point to the far-right’s Marine Le Pen as the main challenger to President Emmanuel Macron’s re-election, in a repeat of the 2017 match. Le Pen has shifted her campaign focus to purchasing power, the number one priority for French voters, without shedding far-right policies from her election programme. read more. Here are her main policy proposals:


* No income tax for those aged under 30

* VAT on energy at 5.5% from the current 20%. VAT at 0% for essential products such as pasta and diapers as long as inflation is one point higher than growth.

* No employer contributions on pay rises of up to 10%

* Early retirement at 60 for those who have worked 40 years. Increase low pensions

* Scrap inheritance tax for middle- and low-income families. No tax on donations of up to 100,000 euros per child or grandchild every ten years


* Only French citizens will have access to welfare benefits

* French nationals will be given preference in access to social housing and to jobs

* Stop family reunification

* Systematically deport undocumented migrants, foreigners convicted of crimes

* Withdraw residency for migrants that are out of work for more than a year

* Remove birthright citizenship

* Asylum requests to be processed outside of France

Thomas Amghar, one of the leaders of GETTR France, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Saturday. Amghar says this is the closest the right has ever come to taking power in France.

Credit: Source link


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