Nutritional therapist explains how to fix weight and sleep issues

woman awake
woman awake

It’s a phrase we often use to excuse mood swings that leave us seething with rage one minute and sobbing the next — but there could be more to it than just “feeling hormonal.”

According to nutritional therapist Gail Madalena, hormones are vital chemical messengers that signal information between our cells and organs.

“They’re needed for all our body’s systems to function,” she says.

So you can imagine how important it is for them to be in top condition.

What if we were to tell you those mood swings might be signaling a hormonal imbalance?

If you’re eating healthily, exercising, getting enough sleep and still feel off, you may need help.

Here are the subtle signs to look out for and how to get tested…

When to get tested

If you’re experiencing any symptoms or are worried about your hormone health, speak to your GP.

They may send you for a blood test, or a test to see how well your thyroid gland – which makes and stores hormones — is functioning, to give an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

If you’re perimenopausal or menopausal, ask about HRT.

Home kits for testing progesterone, testosterone and thyroid are available online and offer peace of mind fast, though they can be expensive. Try Superdrug Online Doctor’s Thyroid Function Test Kit, $78.

A blood test could give you insight into your hormone levels.

Weight gain

If you’ve got lower belly weight that won’t shift even with regular exercise and a balanced diet, hormonal imbalance may be to blame.

“An underactive thyroid results in the slowing down of many bodily functions, including metabolism and digestion. A common side-effect of this is weight gain, particularly in the stomach,” says Gail.

Too much of the stress hormone cortisol can put the body into survival mode, triggering it to store even more fat.

A man measures his waist.
Weight gain in the lower belly region could be an indicator that your hormone levels are off.

Hungry for more

Feeling ravenous 24/7? Your sex hormones could be out of sync.

“Low oestrogen can make you feel constantly hungry, even after eating, because oestrogen has a direct impact on leptin,” says Gail.

“Leptin is released by fat cells and regulates how many calories we burn and how much we eat, which in turn dictates how much fat tissue the body stores.

“The more we produce, the more excess fat we tend to store.”

A man eagerly awaits his dinner.
Low oestrogen levels can make you feel constantly hungry.

Feeling down

Mood swings can really disrupt your life, and they happen to the best of us.

But if your mood is low and you can’t work out why, you might be short on the happy hormone serotonin.

“Around the time that we ovulate, levels of oestrogen and progesterone drop, leading to both physical and emotional symptoms.

“This dip in hormones can also influence the production of serotonin, which regulates mood, sleep and appetite,” says Gail.

An underactive thyroid results in the slowing down of many bodily functions, including metabolism and digestion. A common side-effect of this is weight gain, particularly in the stomach.

Nutritional Therapist Gail Madalena

Losing your locks

When the thyroid is working sub-optimally, it can reduce the rate at which our hair regrows, as well as making it dry, brittle and weak.

“A key hormone for hair production is DHT, a by-product of testosterone. When we produce too much, it can shrink follicles and cause the hair to fall out,” says Gail.

“A drop in oestrogen and progesterone can also affect your hairline and hair thickness.” 

A man looks at his hair loss.
Off-kilter hormone levels can lead to hair loss.

Hitting snooze

If every day feels like a drag, even with plenty of sleep, you might have a hormonal imbalance rather than chronic tiredness.

“Having too much or too little progesterone can sap your energy, as can elevated levels of oestrogen and having an underactive thyroid.

“Too much cortisol can also impact sleep cycles and lead to ongoing fatigue,” says Gail. 

A man hits snooze on his alarm.
Feeling sleepy frequently could mean you might have a hormonal imbalance rather than chronic tiredness.


Feeling your head spinning, weak knees and blurry vision are all signs something is wrong.

“Low levels of oestrogen trigger fluctuations in blood flow,” says Gail.

“This can cause light-headedness and dizziness.

“Hormonal imbalances can also have a direct impact on our blood sugar metabolism and blood pressure, as well as problems connected to our inner ear, which all cause dizziness.”

Medics check on a woman who fainted.
Low levels of oestrogen trigger fluctuations in blood flow and make you feel dizzy or cause fainting.

Brain fog

“The thyroid helps regulate neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.

“When it is out of balance, this can inhibit brain activity, leading to fogginess and low mood,” says Gail.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission.

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