April 2022 horoscopes predict destiny shifts for your zodiac sign

april astrology
april astrology

April 2022 could be one of the most memorable months in 2022 for you!

Learn what your astrology has in store for the month to come! Prepare to dive into a month that will be moving at a brisk pace, as all planets will be direct in the sky for the majority of the time.

As spring takes hold and our days get longer, we will feel a surge of energy to connect with others and enjoy the newfound season. However, with eclipse energy upon us once again, chance synchronicities and fated moments may now pop up in our lives.

Listen to your intuition to see what it is telling you. Hunches and gut instincts will be strong now. Embrace them! Follow me for daily insight or read 2022 predictions for your zodiac sign or your 2022 love life and relationship horoscopes now!


A significant month for your personal life is upon you, Aries. With the mighty sun dancing through your zodiac sign throughout much of the month, all eyes are on you for birthday season! The most important lunation of the year arrives on April 1, which falls in your zodiac sign and will open a doorway to your heart’s most personal hopes and dreams.

Take action to create the life you want and listen deeply to your intuition. The first half of the month will likely see you quite social and mingling with friends, but the full moon on April 16 will bring your attention very significantly to an important partnership in your life. This could be a time of union — or separation — depending on where you currently stand. Singles should use this energy to find someone with long-term potential. Last to note in a busy month will be the arrival of a solar eclipse in your financial sector, bringing a destined shift around money matters and your income. A new job, raise or side hustle may manifest near this time. Welcome in the abundance.

Prepare to enter eclipse season in April 2022 once again!
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A big month for your professional life is upon you, Taurus, as you soar to greater echelons than ever before. However, managing to prioritize your health and not burn out will also be on the top of your mind. The new moon on April 1 will encourage you to lie low, rest and recharge rather than firing on all cylinders. Give yourself some TLC and treat yourself to a spa day. The full moon mid-month on April 16 will throw you back into the professional action, though, as a big project may now be ready for bosses to review. A new job, client or more responsibilities at work may even be handed your way.

If out of work, be sure to apply to new jobs near this time — you could win big! However, the most important moments of the month will likely begin after the sun enters your zodiac sign on April 19, officially igniting birthday season where you are sure to be surrounded by many friends and acquaintances in the weeks ahead. Yet, prepare for your destiny to call out to you directly as a solar eclipse in your zodiac sign appears on April 30. You are beginning a whole new era of your life, so envision who you’d like to become and soar like a phoenix into the sky.


Get ready for a big month both in your personal and professional life, Gemini. Career victories and new horizons will certainly be soaring your way, so keep your eyes on the prize and work toward what you’d like to achieve. The new moon on April 1 highlights your aspirations, so you could see an acquaintance steps in now to provide the missing piece you’ve been looking for. Be sure to socialize and have fun near this time, though, as life is not meant to be all work without play! Catch up with your pals who surely miss you.

Mid-month, your heart will be in bloom as a full moon arrives in your passion sector, fanning the flames of love near April 16. Some Geminis could find a perfect match, grow closer with their partner or have a beautiful moment around children or fertility. Yet, as the month draws to a close, a solar eclipse in your sector of rest will thunder through the night on April 30. This will bring a major moment in regards to rest or privacy and may put you in contact with medical professionals — even if it’s just doing a routine check-up or necessary dental cleaning. Recharge your batteries near this time.


One of the biggest months of the year has arrived for you, Cancer. With so many things to juggle, be sure that you’re keeping your busy schedule in check. First and foremost, the new moon on April 1 highlights your professional life and could bring a big opportunity to rise higher in your industry, whether in the form of a new job, award, promotion or favorable press. Show the world you’re ambitious and ready to take on anything the world throws at you! However, the full moon mid-month on April 16 will instead push your attention to your home, family and domestic life — and could signal that you need to give some TLC to this particular area of your world.

Some Cancers may even move or renovate around this time. Last to mention will be a solar eclipse in your social sector that arrives like a choir of angels on April 30. A destined shift around your friendships has arrived, whether as an invite to a monumental event you attend that fills your heart with joy or even a new platonic soulmate connection you meet now that could literally change your life. Open yourself to new connections everywhere you go.


April arrives with a rapid pace — just the way you like it, Leo! Partnerships will be of vital importance this month, as you’re assessing where you stand, what you need and where you’d like to go. Making sure you’re on the same page will be on the top of your mind. In other news, you could be spending a lot of time this month also focusing on your ideas and how you communicate them to the world. A new moon on April 1 will energize your desire to learn more about the world and soar into new horizons.

Travel, academics or media endeavors may present themselves near this time. Mid-month, a full moon in your communications sector arrives, likely giving you the chance to speak up and broadcast your ideas near April 16. A contract may even be quite promising near this time, too. However, buckle up for a major shift in your professional life as a solar eclipse in your achievement sector arrives with immense firepower near April 30. A door will blast open for you to soar higher in your career or if you’re not in a career that fulfills you, go in a new direction. Trust the current of your heart and your life.


Work and money will be of paramount importance to you in April, Virgo. While you are clearly tackling many new projects and responsibilities, you could be in the process of welcoming in new job or investment prospects, as well. The new moon on April 1 highlights your assets and wealth, giving you a chance to review your debts, stocks and financial life. Sit down with an accountant to discuss your long-term goals. The full moon on April 16 will give you a chance to increase your abundance, as well, possibly delivering a raise, large check or side hustle that will add even more perks to your plate.

Yet, it appears your partnerships will be of crucial importance to you advancing your strategies and plans this month, too. Last to mention may actually be the most important for you, as it is a solar eclipse in your expansion zone that dawns on April 30. Some Virgos could decide they need a fresh start and go in a few directions: a big traveling endeavor, relocation, academic pursuits or even pursuing media plans. No matter what, it’s crucial that you allow yourself to explore right now. Trust the wind and wherever it takes you.


Buckle up for a huge month, Libra. Throughout the month, partnerships and your personal life will dominate your mind. As the sun dances throughout your core relationship sectors, you’re either growing closer with someone at your side or looking for the perfect one. The new moon on April 1 will allow you to make long-term plans, commit, move in or even get engaged or wed. Yet, if you’re single, you could be deeply focused on finding someone who will stand at your side. Don’t settle — love is out there! Mid-month, you’ll be especially fired up as the most important full moon of the year arrives with your name on it on April 16.

This lunation falls in your zodiac sign and will bring to culmination a major personal goal, as well as allow you to step into the spotlight. Soar! To end the month, a solar eclipse in your intimacy sector arrives on April 30, blasting open a doorway for you to grow closer than ever before with someone significant. This is a destined moment to embrace union, sharing and sensuality. On a financial note, this eclipse could instead bring you a surge of cash, whether in the form of investments, assets or gifts. Call in the abundance, Libra!

April forecast
April is the last full month without chaotic planetary retrogrades.
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Juggling work, life and relationships will occur in April for you, Scorpio. However, with your mind set upon it, you can tackle it all! First and foremost, the new moon on April 1 energizes your employment sector, likely bringing more responsibilities, projects or clients across your desk. If out of work, be sure to use this lunation to jumpstart your application process. You’ll surely be busy soon because by mid-month, the full moon on April 16 will instead encourage you to take a breather before jumping back headfirst into everything! Treat yourself to a spa-day or an at-home masseuse to appease your whirlwind schedule.

Yet, as soon as the sun ignites across the sky for you toward the end of the month, expect a major focus on partnerships and relationships. The solar eclipse on April 30 will bring a destined moment in union for you to face, opening a doorway to deeper connections, more passion or dancing with a twin flame. A sudden decision to become official, get engaged, move in or even be wed may manifest. If for some reason you are to separate at this time, it’s to shift you toward someone even better. Dance into a whirlwind month!


Of all the zodiac signs, you may actually have the most fun in April, Sagittarius! All year so far you’ve had a significant focus on domestic and family matters, and that trend will surely continue in the month to come. But get ready for the chance to spice it up with plenty of passion, sex and romance if you’re ready to shake it up. The new moon on April 1 highlights your true love and fertility sector, likely opening a doorway for you to open your heart. If you have children already, you may notice one of them makes you especially proud or you may conceive if looking to have children.

Mid-month on April 16, a full moon will highlight your sense of true happiness and euphoria, possibly making a lifelong dream come true. Spend time celebrating with friends and feel the praise that surrounds you. Yet, a very significant moment around your health or employment will creep up at the very end of the month as soon as the solar eclipse arrives on April 30. Some Sagittarians could be meeting with medical professionals or making important shifts in their diet or fitness regiment. Others will be handling many new projects, a new job or even more responsibilities on the job! Buckle up — big things lie ahead.


When it comes to this month, Capricorn, you’re going to be a master strategist. Your ideas will get you far now and you’ll have the power to impress or persuade anyone you wish. The new moon on April 1 will turn your attention to home, family or domestic matters, giving you the chance to make a change or improve your life around these situations. Some Capricorns will move, change roommates or decide to redecorate. Mid-month, though, your attention comes roaring back to your professional life as a full moon thunders on April 16. An achievement, new job, award, recognition or promotion could now be at hand depending on how hard you’ve worked in the past six months.

Step into the limelight and accept the applause. Yet, prepare for your heart to ignite toward the end of the month — near the solar eclipse on April 30, in fact. A destined moment around true love, fertility, hobbies, passion or creativity could make you shout to the Heavens! Fate has promised you more sweetness and pleasure, so if single, put yourself out there, or if attached, make time for your intimate life. Know that you are ready!

Spring horoscopes 2022
Spring is blooming in the April 2022 horoscopes!
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With Venus and Mars in your zodiac sign at the onset of the month, you’re magnetic and more beautiful than ever before, Aquarius. Use this energy to improve your life in every way — but especially when it comes to matters of the heart. You’ll be navigating many other factors this month, too, as early as the new moon arrives on April 1. This highlights your ideas and sector of communications, likely encouraging you to begin work on a new writing, speaking or social media initiative. The full moon mid-month will stimulate your mind even further, helping you to step out of your comfort zone and look at life from a different perspective.

Some Aquarians may decide to return to school, work in the media or travel to learn about new cultures near this time. Last to note will be a powerful turning point around your home, family and domestic life as a solar eclipse dawns in this arena on April 30. A whole new chapter will arrive for you around these matters, whether it’s hashing things out and growing closer with your kindred or else pushing you to move, relocate or renovate. Embrace everything April has to offer, Aquarius.


A gorgeous month lies ahead of you, Pisces. With Venus bringing you beauty and magnetism and Mars energizing you to conquer the world by mid-April, you’re nearly unstoppable in every single way! Use the weeks ahead to build the life of your dreams! The new moon on April 1 will highlight your financial sector, opening a doorway for you to make more money. A new job, raise or side hustle may present itself, but be sure to keep your eyes peeled. A full moon in your assets and investments sector arrives on April 16, bringing a turning point about big money, your long-term wealth or a settlement.

Consult with an accountant or advisor who may be able to guide you to pots of gold. Yet, the month will end on the most momentous moment of all — a solar eclipse on April 30! This extremely powerful lunation will present a new path before your feet that is destined and written in the stars. One way this may affect you is by inspiring your mind to dream up major new ideas that you’d like to broadcast to the world, perhaps in the form of a writing, speaking, podcasting or advertising endeavor. Some Pisceans will instead be focusing more on travel now and in the years to come. Enjoy the call of adventure!

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Predictions from my BFF and world-renowned psychic Calise Simone:

Staying present is key! Live in the moment. The energy is shining on social connections right now.  Spending time with friends or loved ones will recharge your batteries and brighten your spirits.  Beware of lending money within your social circle this month; it could be a while until you see it again.

For April, the Animal Spirit deck brings us the card of the Panther for the collective. This is a spirit of fire, which is perfectly aligned with the current energy of Spring. As an apex predator, the Panther is asking us to take a hard, cold look at what needs to be released from our lives. This bold animal reminds us that it is time to get rid of what is no longer necessary, which will allow us to live more fulfilling lives. While it might be hard to see, feel, and process certain experiences, this animal’s brave disposition energizes us to face our fears and insecurities head-on! In moments of confusion, close your eyes and allow the Panther to help you develop your night vision—your intuition.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit KyleThomasAstrology.com.

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