As Minorities Buy More Guns, Dems Fear They Will Turn Into Republicans

Black Gun Owners Open Carry 600x320 1
Black Gun Owners Open Carry 600x320 1

A survey from The National Shooting Sports Foundation found that a record 5.4 million Americans were first-time gun buyers in 2021.

The survey found a huge uptick in those buying guns were African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans.

From the NSSF:

Similar retailer surveys in 2020 showed a 58 percent increase of African-Americans buying guns in 2020 vs. 2019, with a 49 percent increase of Hispanic-Americans during the same time period and a 43 percent increase of Asian-Americans buying firearms in 2020 compared to 2019. Nearly 60 percent of retailers said the increase of these demographic groups of first-time buyers purchasing firearms remain unchanged from 2020 to 2021.

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This is at odds with the Democrat gun-control agenda.

Democrats are now worried that the more people of color buy guns, the more likely they will become Republicans.

Axios reported:

That more people of color are exercising their Second Amendment rights could spell trouble for Democrats, who already suffered losses among these demographics in key battleground states in 2020.

This comes as the midterm elections are looking worse and worse for Joe Biden and the Democrats.

A recent Trafalgar Group poll found Republicans with a 9-point lead on the generic ballot. 

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