Biden Admin Looking to Dump Kamala Harris? Fox Reporter Given Tip to ‘Familiarize Yourself With Confirmation Process’ for Replacing a Vice President

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Fox News Congressional reporter Chad Pergram reported Tuesday evening that he had been given a tip about Kamala Harris several weeks ago that said he should familiarize himself with the nomination process for a vice president in the House and the Senate. Pergram’s report comes after a bombshell CNN report Sunday that the White House was rife with rumors about Joe Biden contemplating nominating the flailing Harris to the Supreme Court to get her out of his administration and out of the line of succession. Jack Posobiec had been reporting weeks ago that Jill Biden was asking about using the 25th Amendment to sideline Harris

The CNN report said that West Wing staffers had thrown up their hands in dealing with the dysfunctional Harris and her team, while Harris allies told CNN that Biden and his team were being racist against Harris for defending White man Pete Buttigieg more strongly than Harris when Buttigieg came under fire for taking two months of parental leave from his Secretary of Transportation post last summer. In response to the report, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki issued a rare Sunday night statement defending Harris.

Pergram spoke on Bret Baier’s All Star Panel podcast:

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Pergram: “Just to kinda let you guys in on a little secret here. I was told, you know, about two to three weeks ago–maybe this pertains to the Supreme Court, maybe this pertains to, you know, changing the ticket before you get into 2024. You know, FDR, seemingly, he burned through a vice president almost every, every time he was up for office. But I got an email from somebody who really knows this place very well who said, “Chad, start to familiarize yourself with the confirmation process just not in the Senate but the House for a vice president.” Of course, we’ve not gone through that since, you know, President Ford picked Nelson Rockefeller. Again, as you know, Bret, I’m always playing defense and preparing for things like that, but I was very surprised to get that very cryptic email just a couple of weeks ago.”

Transcribed by TGP.

Pergram followed up his report to Bret Baier with an appearance with Jesse Watters, noting Harris was embarrassed yesterday at Biden’s signing of the infrastructure bill at an elaborate White House ceremony on the South Lawn when she was misidentified when it was her turn to speak.

Excerpt from the now infamous CNN report:

Defenders and people who care for Harris are getting frantic. When they’re annoyed, some pass around a recent Onion story mocking her lack of more substantive work, one with the headline, “White House Urges Kamala Harris To Sit At Computer All Day In Case Emails Come Through.” When they’re depressed, they bat down the Aaron Sorkin-style rumor that Biden might try to replace her by nominating her to a Supreme Court vacancy. That chatter has already reached top levels of the Biden orbit, according to one person who’s heard it.

She’s perceived to be in such a weak position that top Democrats in and outside of Washington have begun to speculate privately, asking each other why the White House has allowed her to become so hobbled in the public consciousness, at least as they see it.


Suspicion has sprouted out of the bitterness. Last month, White House aides leapt to the defense of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who was being hammered with outrage by Fox News host Tucker Carlson and like-minded online pundits for taking paternity leave after the adoption of his twins in September. Harris loyalists tell CNN they see in that yet another example of an unfair standard at play, wondering why she didn’t get similar cover any of the times she’s been attacked by the right.

“It’s hard to miss the specific energy that the White House brings to defend a White man, knowing that Kamala Harris has spent almost a year taking a lot of the hits that the West Wing didn’t want to take themselves,” said a former Harris aide, reflecting conversations last month among several former aides and current allies.

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