Black Unemployment Rate Rises Under Biden After Dropping To Historic Low Under Trump

Joe Biden Ultra MAGA
Joe Biden Ultra MAGA

Under President Trump, the black unemployment rate fell to historically low levels, a fact that Democrats and the media never acknowledged.

This week, Democrats, the media and the Biden administration are bragging about the new jobs report, but failed to mention that the black unemployement rate is going up.

It’s amazing how selective they can be with the facts when it serves their purposes.

Townhall reports:

TRENDING: WATCH: REPLAY – RSBN LIVE-STREAM VIDEO – THOUSANDS Turn Out Early To See President Trump Speak At 7 PM In Waukesha, WI

Labor Participation Drops in July As Black Unemployment Increases

The United States Department of Labor reported on Friday that 528,000 jobs were added in July, reducing the unemployment rate to 3.5 percent, down 0.1 percent from June’s read and a significant increase from the 372,000 jobs added in June.

Dow Jones economists estimated 258,000 new jobs would be reported for July, but White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in Thursday’s briefing tried to manage expectations by saying that the Biden administration expected just 150,000 new jobs — begging the question of what data the White House was looking at that they got the July report wrong by almost 400,000 jobs.

July’s report outlined better economic news with several metrics returning to their pre-pandemic levels, but still showed that there are 900,000 more Americans who are not in the labor force but want a job compared to February 2020.

This is the key passage:

And while the Biden administration has been obsessed with diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Biden economy saw black unemployment tick up in July, from 5.8 percent to 6.0 percent — even while unemployment rates for other demographics decreased.

To their credit, CNBC actually mentioned this:

The other thing to remember is that Biden is not creating jobs.

He is simply overseeing people returning to their jobs now that the pandemic is over.

He does not deserve any credit for that.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Credit: Source link


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